
Sliding doors for walk-in wardrobe: SLR coupe or other options, videos and photos
Sliding doors for walk-in wardrobe: SLR coupe or other options, videos and photos
Sep 28, 2019

Sliding doors for walk-in wardrobe: how to save space? X Table of contents1 Varieties door razdvizhek1.1 by design1.2 for completing2 mount technol...

Sliding doors with their hands: single-leaf interior doors, and other types of video and photo
Sliding doors with their hands: single-leaf interior doors, and other types of video and photo
Sep 28, 2019

Sliding doors with their hands - 3 options for independent production X Table of contents1 Classification of sliding doors1.1 Design for interior d...

Repair of doors with their hands: the restoration and installation of the interior of the school masters
Repair of doors with their hands: the restoration and installation of the interior of the school masters
Sep 28, 2019

Repair of doors with their hands: the restoration of interior, wood, glass, aluminum and input structures X Table of contents1 Repair of interior g...

Repair of wooden doors: interior, old, laminated, sliding, Chinese
Repair of wooden doors: interior, old, laminated, sliding, Chinese
Sep 28, 2019

Repair of wooden doors, laminated, sliding, balcony designs X Table of contents1 types of doors1.1 Depending on the material1.2 According to the me...

Repair slopes with their own hands: trim door and window openings
Repair slopes with their own hands: trim door and window openings
Sep 28, 2019

Repair slopes of plastic, wood and GCR X Table of contents1 plaster finish2 Finishing of plastic2.1 Benefits2.2 A few words about the sandwich pane...

Repair of plastic doors with their hands: the school of skilled craftsmen to install and repair windows
Repair of plastic doors with their hands: the school of skilled craftsmen to install and repair windows
Sep 28, 2019

Repair of plastic windows: the restoration and replacement of the sealing profile system X Table of contents1 Problems and solutions1.1 Cloth bad o...

Installing doors in plasterboard wall: video instructions on how to install their own hands, price, photo
Installing doors in plasterboard wall: video instructions on how to install their own hands, price, photo
Sep 28, 2019

Installing doors in plasterboard wall: A Practical Guide X Table of contents1 Calculation and partition layout1.1 The main theses1.2 marking2 The f...

Installation door locks (video tutorial)
Installation door locks (video tutorial)
Sep 28, 2019

Installation door locks (video tutorial) X Educational film how to properly install the door lock. Many in his life faced with problematic locks, a...

Instructions for installing different locks
Instructions for installing different locks
Feb 21, 2018

The most common types of locks The lock in the front door carries a protective function, preventing outsiders from entering your apartment...

How to make an arched corner
How to make an arched corner
Feb 23, 2018

What is the corner for the archway The arches that connect the space of adjacent rooms, replacing rectangular doorways, rounded nic...