A large selection of ceiling varieties will help you find the right for your home. Many people who decide to make repairs in an apartment ask...
Batten is one of the easiest ways to decorate the wall or ceiling Batten - a popular method to issue the walls and ceiling. The main reasons ...
Suspended ceilings do not require high costs and at the same time they are very effective. The elegant and discreet luxury of the suspended c...
Today even the oldest houses can be made according to the modern style of . On the streets of the former Soviet countries, you can often see o...
choosing a baguette for a ceiling, pay attention to the material baguette During repair the joints between the ceiling and the walls are ofte...
There are many ways to insulate the house. One of them is the insulation of the ceiling with sawdust It is not an easy task to warm the ceili...
No matter how carefully the walls of the room were leveled, no matter how experienced masters and brigades would not be engaged in this business, ...
If there is no second floor, and above - not a heated attic, then the foam layer will be relevant. It is advisable to attach it from the outside, ...
stretch ceiling - is a relatively easy way to arrange the room entire path of the installation of stretch ceiling can be done independently, ...
Sep 27, 2019
Ceiling - this is a special area of the apartment, which you should pay attention to In fact, the ceiling is a partition that separates the...