
Timeless design: furniture for the kitchen and living room, hauling old soft sofas
Timeless design: furniture for the kitchen and living room, hauling old soft sofas
Sep 28, 2019

Timeless design - furniture (36 photos): old housing elements of the interior and sets for the modern kitchen X Table of contents1 Restoration of o...

Bunk bed with his hands: how-to instructions, drawings, projects, videos and photos
Bunk bed with his hands: how-to instructions, drawings, projects, videos and photos
Sep 28, 2019

Bunk bed with his hands: 3 manufacturing stage X Table of contents1 Stage №1: Planning1.1 linear parameters1.2 Key pieces2 Stage №2: preparation of...

Cabinet made of MDF: Double, wardrobes, video instruction how to make your own hands, and photos
Cabinet made of MDF: Double, wardrobes, video instruction how to make your own hands, and photos
Sep 28, 2019

Do yourself cabinet made of MDF: coupe for the price inexpensive reserved seat X Table of contents1 MDF or particle board?2 Getting ready for work2...

Design mirror with your hands: the photo wall in the interior
Design mirror with your hands: the photo wall in the interior
Sep 28, 2019

Design mirror with your hands (42 photos): the creation of frames, painting, technique drawing the mat picture on the mirror cloth, an option for t...

Furniture design their own hands: learning design bedrooms, a hall and a children's room
Furniture design their own hands: learning design bedrooms, a hall and a children's room
Sep 28, 2019

Furniture design their own hands (33 photos). Transfiguration of country and old furniture items X Table of contents1 Transfiguration of garden fur...

Design table with his hands: writing, cooking, computer corner, a glass
Design table with his hands: writing, cooking, computer corner, a glass
Sep 28, 2019

Design tables (36 photos): material selection, design kitchen, writing and computer version X Table of contents1 The choice of material2 The design...

Design chairs with their hands - enliven the interior
Design chairs with their hands - enliven the interior
Sep 28, 2019

Design chairs (30 images): classic, options for home and office, cottages, solid and collapsible, stackable and collapsible design, manufacturing t...

Kitchen sets from MDF: the wash coating gloss MDF how to clean grease, videos and photos
Kitchen sets from MDF: the wash coating gloss MDF how to clean grease, videos and photos
Sep 28, 2019

Protecting the beauty of the kitchen - how to keep kitchen sets from MDF X Table of contents1 What kills MDF2 Friends and enemies of MDF3 Subtletie...

Headboard for bed: wood carvings, and other options, videos and photos
Headboard for bed: wood carvings, and other options, videos and photos
Sep 28, 2019

Headboard for a bed - a step by step guide to independent manufacturing X Table of contents1 process of manufacturing1.1 Materials and tools1.2 The...

Furniture for dolls with their own hands: articles of cardboard, paper, plywood and other materials, videos and photos
Furniture for dolls with their own hands: articles of cardboard, paper, plywood and other materials, videos and photos
Sep 28, 2019

We produce furniture for dolls with their own hands: detailed instructions and photo illustrations X Table of contents1 Project №1: chair1.1 materi...