Kitchen sets from MDF: the wash coating gloss MDF how to clean grease, videos and photos

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Protecting the beauty of the kitchen - how to keep kitchen sets from MDF


Table of contents

  • 1 What kills MDF
  • 2 Friends and enemies of MDF
  • 3 Subtleties of care MDF
    • 3.1 veneered coating
    • 3.2 Film-coated MDF
    • 3.3 Traditional medicine - effective means for cleaning MDF
  • 4 Summarizing

Kitchen furniture of MDF allows one stone to kill several birds with one stone - its cost is lower than furniture made of solid material is sufficiently durable, and a variety of colors will appeal to picky mistresses. Well, in order to set the favorite feast for the eyes than a year, you need to once and for all to remember a few simple rules of its service.

Save this beauty - not an easy task

Save this beauty - not an easy task

What kills MDF

In the shop windows shining surface of any, even the most inexpensive headset, catches the eye. But it often happens that even after a couple of years of operation of its former splendor and beauty is not a trace remains. And let the price of the furniture is not too large compared with the analogue of the array, it is still not a reason to casually refers to it.

There are several ways to spoil MDF headset:

  • use cleaning agents containing alkali, acids, solvents. MDF, though protected by several layers of paint or enamel, PVC film, but this cover quickly lose the original appearance when exposed to certain types of household chemicals;
  • use abrasive cleaners - suffer appearance, glossy, shiny surface scratches will look especially sloppy;
MDF enemies

MDF enemies

Even better wipe the MDF surface with a soft cloth, scrapers and brushes (even with soft bristles) immediately exclude from its arsenal.

  • MDF is not protected from moisture at 100%. If water gets set, but it was immediately wet and wipe the surface dry, then nothing bad will happen. Much worse, if moisture gets into hard to reach places, for example, between the kitchen wall and the rear wall of the furniture. Over time, the material swells to restore former form will be impossible;
  • even a casual blow of medium strength can leave a mark on the surface. If the shape of kitchen furniture made of MDF does not fit perfectly into the kitchen space, then interfered with his part in the future likely will be markings.
MDF can be easily damaged

MDF can be easily damaged

Friends and enemies of MDF

Before you buy a batch of cleaning agents to determine the order that we fit and what is not.

Immediately it should be deleted:

  • any cleaning agents based on alcohol;

The exception to this rule - ethyl alcohol, it will not damage the protective coating MDF headset.

  • It shows itself good old cleaning contamination steam, but in the case of MDF best steam cleaners forget. Even if the outer coating will not be affected in the future at this point perhaps the film delamination and other problems;
Steam cleaner is suitable for metal, tile, but not for the gentle MDF

Steam cleaner is suitable for metal, tile, but not for the gentle MDF

  • folk remedies such as vegetable oil, toothpaste, soda (The last 2 - abrasives, and therefore excluded). His hands can make a good cleanser, but it requires extreme care about the "folk medicine" below;
  • all the substances comprising acids, bases, sodium and chlorine. Typically, the packaging manufacturer specifies the scope of the cleaning agent, if there is no list of MDF furniture, it is best not to risk it.

With regard to household chemicals, it is an excellent choice to clean the furniture, their composition is often neutral, no abrasive particles, so that the set will be saved. If, nevertheless, formed a small crack, can help polish.

Subtleties of care MDF

Of course, this eternal material would not, but at least to maintain its appearance throughout the life of the can. Suffice it to observe the basic rules for the care and cleaning, depending on the type of surface finishing.

veneered coating

Due to gluing of veneer wood externally such headsets are not distinguished from analogue of the array. Veneer, of course, protected by a layer of varnish, but since it is glued to the MDF, it imposes certain restrictions on the use of furniture, for example, it can not be placed near the heating devices.

Veneered MDF looks great, but it raises a number of requirements for cleaning agents

Veneered MDF looks great, but it raises a number of requirements for cleaning agents

In the matter than to wash kitchen of MDF with veneer finish, the options are not so much. It is best to limit ourselves to just a mild soapy solution and avoid strong surface contamination.

Cleaning the surface of the veneer to be performed in this order:

  • first wipe the surface with a damp cloth, this will remove particles of dust, dirt;
  • Further suitable means can be used, e.g., for cleaning windows (if the hand is not a special composition for MDF). The scheme is the same - to put it on the cloth and gently wipe the headsets. Direction of travel - strictly along the veneer fibers, it will reduce the risk of scratches to a minimum.
  • that on the painted surface did not remain divorces - wipe dry with a clean cloth.

When choosing polishes need to pay attention to its composition. For example, silicone provide luster and moisture resistance, prevent wax deposition of dust and oil-based agents help hide small scratches.

Finishing bar after cleaning veneer MDF

Finishing bar after cleaning veneer MDF

Film-coated MDF

On the issue of what to clean kitchen made of MDF with a film coating in addition to the listed funds should be discarded and those that are designed to work with wood. Any polishes, cleaning products comprising oil, wax only worsen the appearance of the film, and may even cause a local change in color film and its swelling.

From cleansers suit different fluids on the basis of ethyl alcohol. Good show themselves agents for windows, containing a part of the ethanol.

Alcohols negative effect on the film coating.
Therefore, when cleaning the headset for a long time to leave the facility on the surface is not necessary, struck and immediately wiped dry.

Traditional medicine - effective means for cleaning MDF

Sometimes the question is how to clean kitchen MDF fat turns into a real torture. Imagine that the hand is not a suitable cleaning agent and grease stains on the headset is already there. If you leave them, it is fraught with problems with cleaning in the future, and gloss coatings can suffer.

But there are many popular recipes to combat fat on the kitchen headset:

  • vinegar, mixed with conventional vodka in a 1: 1 turns into a strong cleanser. Usually, simply wipe the surface and the fat is gone;
Ordinary vinegar to cope with the majority of contaminants

Ordinary vinegar to cope with the majority of contaminants

  • another embodiment improvised solution - a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar, and small amounts of alcohol (as a variant of the lemon juice can be replaced with finely chopped rind);
  • in question than to clean kitchen of MDF with gloss is better to refrain from drastic means. One of the options - make "lite" version of the standard detergent. Suffice it to mix the lemon juice with water and add quite a bit aggressive detergents, damage the glossy surface will not be as pleasant odor and cleanliness are guaranteed;
  • conventional soap solution to cope with most contaminants;
  • pure lemon juice is also nice. You can just walk on a slice of fatty stains, and after 20-30 minutes, wipe dry with furniture;
In the photo - a powerful cleaner

In the photo - a powerful cleaner

  • wash in question than in kitchen furniture MDF may be used even clay mixed with vinegar (in a liquid slurry state). Means, of course, exotic, but effective, and fit to fight with old grease stains. The mixture is simply applied to the stain and gently removed after half an hour, the gloss does not suffer.
Folk remedies

Folk remedies

Some recommend using to clean the old grease stains soda, mustard, salt, but in the case of MDF this is not an option. Instructions in this case requires intensive rubbing the place of pollution, as well as soda, and salt, and mustard powder are abrasives, then at least dulling film is guaranteed.

Use salt, mustard, baking soda can be except that the fresh grease stains, and even then only to the bulk of the fat absorbed into the soda / salt / mustard. Then she gently brushes away from the headset and then act by standard methods.

Soda - an excellent adsorbent

Soda - an excellent adsorbent


Kitchen set should always pleasing to the eye, unfortunately, fat and other traditional cooking contamination can quickly deprive headsets appeal. But to cope with this problem easily - just not enough to run the kitchen and regularly cleaning the kitchen furniture.

The video in this article shows a couple of tricks to clean kitchen fronts.

The comments can share your recipes to clean the kitchen furniture.

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