First acquaintance with glass wool For the manufacture of glass wool, the latest technology is used, therefore it is safe. It is consid...
What is a frame building and how is its walls insulated? Frame house belongs to the category of high-speed buildings, as it grows on the s...
Why frame houses are the warmest? Recently in the territory of our country frame house construction is experiencing a second birth. And...
With the use of expanded clay, is it advantageous? Currently, there is a huge amount of insulation materials, among which not the last place is...
Which raw material is better for making mineral wool? "The purer and nobler the raw material, the better, healthier and more useful the ...
Want warm floors - add pearlitic sand In the domestic construction market, materials with perlite are often found, but, for the most pa...
A volcano that "coughs". .. mineral wool Many great inventions are just a "clone" of the pristine creation of Mother Nature. So it happene...
Scope of foam As it turned out, this material is used not only for finishing walls and ceiling of buildings, but also for insulation of...
Manufacture of expanded clay If you translate the name of this material from Greek, it literally means "burnt clay".The clayite is very...
Mar 02, 2018
A quick look at the mineral wool and foam In general, each name indicates its own, a fairly wide range of materials with common characteri...