A volcano that "coughs". .. mineral wool
Many great inventions are just a "clone" of the pristine creation of Mother Nature. So it happened with the famous mineral wool warmer. In the twenties of the century before last in the Hawaiian Islands, the Kilaul volcano was drowsing and waking, which, in addition to fire and ash, frightened the locals with rain from fibrous lumps. The superstitious natives were terrified, they sacredly believed that this goddess of volcanoes Pele was angry with them and in a fit of anger she was tearing her hair.
Scientists are very interested in this unusual phenomenon, and they carefully examined the mysterious "strands", generously scattered around the fiery mountain. To solve the riddle of nature turned out to be quite simple: the lava blowout, thrown out at great speed from the vent, flew apart with small sprays, which under the influence of a strong wind "swelled" and quickly cooled.
A fluffy wad of cotton wool fell on the ground, blown and molded from the mineral rock. That's how the volcano suggested to the man how to make the most popular and favorite in the construction natural insulator.
The basis of modern technology of mineral wool production is the same principle of "fire and wind", using only the highest quality and selected raw materials( rocks of rocks: basalt, diabase, gabbro, etc.), which ultimately strengthened the useful qualities of the insulation.
The process of the birth of the material is as follows. In a huge cast-iron stove, where the temperature is maintained at + 1500 ° C, lay and melt a portion of mineral stone. Lava flows out of the fire ladle and falls directly on the rapidly moving and air-blown disks, which "weave" the fibers out of it. So gradually a thick ball of elastic stone wool accumulates in a special compartment.
Minivate heater: "hit parade" of utility material
- Low coefficient of thermal conductivity( 0,038 - 0,045 W / K × m ). According to this index, mineral wool is confidently leading among all other types of insulation.
- Fire resistance. The flame-born insulator possesses a unique property to work quietly even at extreme temperatures( up to + 1000 ° C).Of course, this characteristic directly depends on the raw materials used in the production, in this case basalt mineral wool is a true record holder.
- Strength of the .Despite its softness, the insulation is quite strong: mineral wool refers to the category of "strongman", capable of withstanding the impact of up to 80 kPa.
- Security .It is a natural, natural material that does not harm the health of a person. Even the most "pure" types of foam can not compete with mineral wool for the reliability of their reputation.
- Neutrality. A stone, there is a stone. And there are no such microbes, insects or animals, the menu of which includes such an exquisite "product".That is why mineral wool can be used without fear to insulate the places where the alleged "human enemies" are supposed to dwell.
- Sound Absorption. Mineral wool is not only a heater, it is also an excellent soundproofing. The coefficient of noise absorption at it is 0,95( at the maximum index equal to 1).
- Variety of shapes. The material is produced in the form of rolls, mats, plates and even cords and cylinders. That is, the consumer acquires it in the required variation, in order to maximize the rational use of precious raw materials.
All these excellent characteristics are inherent only in mineral wool from a reliable manufacturer. Pay attention, that cheap and it is not known where the made materials "sin" presence in the structure of impurities of slags that deprives them of many of the above mentioned useful qualities.
How to insulate a house with mineral wool?
The material is successfully used for both external and internal insulation of the building. The only elements of the house design that are never worn in a "coat" of this type are the base and the foundation. And for that there are good reasons. A mineral wool insulator is very hygroscopic, moisture drawn in by it can not get out of the tenacious "embraces" of fibers, the damp material dies and permanently loses its useful qualities.
This significant negative is necessarily taken into account when carrying out insulation work. For full protection of the material, roll-on hydro- and vapor barrier is used. The first layer protects the mineral wool from the outside of the "puff", leaving the possibility of free breathing, the second - blocks the entry of vapors into the insulation from the interior of the building. Such a combined circuit keeps harmony in the system and provides optimal conditions for the operation of the insulator.
Particularly useful material for additional protection of structures with a special microclimate. Insulation of the walls of the bath from the inside is carried out only with the help of mineral wool, since fire resistance, environmental friendliness and safety are the most valuable qualities necessary to maintain a "spirit" of health and purity here.