What is the uniqueness of penoizol? The difference from analogue heaters is that it is prepared exactly on the construction site and po...
How to glue a foam when warming walls? So, how correctly to glue foam, and most importantly, than it can be done? It is worth starting ...
Thermal insulation of a wooden house for siding - we perform the necessary calculations Thermal calculations are usually carried out at th...
Modern variety of components of warm plaster All without exception thermal insulating plasters include in their composition two compone...
How is caulking made from logs made by hand? The main structural element in the construction of wooden buildings and structures is a fr...
Application of Ecowools Ecowool is a cellulose insulating material that consists of finely ground newsprint( 81%), antiseptic( 12%) ...
Advantages of polyurethane foam and foam plastic shell. It is released on the market in two forms. In the first one it looks like a hollow cyli...
What are solar panels for the house? All without exception household appliances can power electricity solar panels for a private country h...
If you choose standard solar panels for heating the house Actually, your choice is not rich - either conventional solar cells, on photo...
Mar 08, 2018
Preparation as the key to the success of Before you begin the insulation of the wall, you should evaluate the quality of the existing b...