If you choose standard solar panels for heating the house
Actually, your choice is not rich - either conventional solar cells, on photocells( mono- and polycrystalline) and silicon film( thin-film), or a collector. In the first case, there will simply be a current supply of an electric boiler( boiler) or other heating appliances. The second option involves the direct heating of the sun's rays of water, which will flow through the tubes through the collector's tubes. Thus, both systems are quite different, which means that each has its advantages, disadvantages and, perhaps, advantages over the other.
Installed on the roof of conventional solar panels for heating the house are no worse than for its lighting.
Here everything depends on the area covered with light-capture modules. For example, if you have a 800W panel on the roof, this will allow you to use one small heater for a short time, but a battery with an output of 8 kW can already heat several small rooms. Solar cells with a capacity of 13.5 kW can heat the entire house, however, in the harshest cold the load can not be increased.
If you install batteries with an output of about 20 kW, you can run both a water heater and household appliances in parallel. The disadvantages of such modules are the area they occupy and the high price.Heating the house with collector-type solar panels
At its core, collectors are really similar to solar batteries, because they catch direct sunlight. The exception for the latter are thin-film plates, which produce a current from the scattered light. As for the collectors, hot solar radiation is necessary for flat water heating to heat the water. The only option actively supplying hot water to the pipes of the heating system throughout the winter, even with dense clouds - the vacuum collectors .It is the vacuum that saves precious heat.
If you decide to take a vacuum option, in this case, you also have to choose - models of direct water heating or indirect. The first are considered seasonal, since the storage tank is located directly in the reservoir housing, and the double-jacketed tube inside which the vacuum medium is connected to the tank directly. In winter, such models can not be used, the water in them freezes.
Another thing - heating the house with solar panels collector all-season type. They will work even at -50 degrees and the cloud cover, since the storage tank is installed in the house. Such a system operates due to the heat transfer fluid moving through the pipes between the spirals located inside the tank and the collector. The same liquid is filled in the cores of the vacuum tubes. Water is only in the store, from it it flows through pipes into batteries.
Heating a country house with solar panels and its features
So, definitely, a vacuum compressor is the best option, however what are the features of its use? After all, the storage tank and solar panels for heating the house, installed on the roof, mean rather impressive communications in between. The way it is. Since a low-boiling liquid must be fed into the manifold under pressure, a circulating pump can be used. Of course, there will be electricity costs, but you can also install additional solar cells to generate current.
Evaporation of a special low-boiling liquid begins in the cores of vacuum tubes when the temperature inside reaches 30 degrees.
To ensure that the system does not require constant monitoring while heating a private country house with solar panels, a control unit is introduced into it, which switches the pump on or off according to the temperature sensors. The sensors themselves are available not only in the storage tank, but also at the collector outlet. As for servicing the latter, it is not particularly difficult. Tubes with vacuum cavities are connected to the transverse heat receiver by means of copper sleeves. In case of damage to such a tube, it is replaced very easily.