Cheap insulation with expanded clay for economical hosts

With the use of expanded clay, is it advantageous?

Currently, there is a huge amount of insulation materials, among which not the last place is occupied by mineral or basalt cotton wool, as well as various foam fillers, such as polyurethane foam. However, many of the modern heaters have significant drawbacks: some give off harmful substances when heated, others generally do not make friends with fire and are no worse than wooden structures for the warmth of which they are used.

Therefore, careful owners, intending to build a new house or insulate the old one, always long and carefully choose the most suitable insulation, and the main criteria in their choice are reliability and cheapness. Perhaps, it is these requirements that most correspond to the insulation with expanded clay, a natural environmentally friendly material that neither burns in the fire nor drowns in the water.

The last claydite is due to its porous structure, that is, to the large number of closed voids in each fraction of this material, the sizes of which are divided into three groups, from 0.5 to 1, from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 4 centimeters. Produced in large volumes by calcining clay rocks, expanded clay is an extremely cheap material, and according to the thermal insulation properties, a layer 10 cm thick is comparable to a brick masonry or 25 centimeters of solid wood.

Where can I use expanded clay as a heater?

In any building, both multi-apartment and in private low-rise cold necessarily find a bridge for penetration inside if the insulation has not been given due attention. Properly used expanded clay as a heater will not leave the cold any chance. This material can be used for thermal insulation of the basement and basement from the ground, the overlap between the basement and the first floor and other interfloor overlappings, as well as for the insulation of walls and roof. In other words, you can create the insulation of the entire house on the basis of expanded clay, gravel or sand.

Ceramsite as a thermal insulation is effective only with a layer thickness of at least 10-15 centimeters.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation layer is usually done in accordance with SNiP II-3-79 ( as one can understand from its numbering, the norms were developed in 1979, but in 1995 they were supplemented).It is there that calculations of the necessary coefficient of heat resistance are given for a particular type of building.

But, in general, the resistance to heat transfer overlap in a room in contact with an unheated room should be at least 4.16 m2 * oС / W, which corresponds to 2 meters of expanded clay concrete( its thermal conductivity is 0.47 W / m * oС).But the claydite, whose thermal conductivity is 0.075 W / m * oC, will need nothing more, enough layer thickness of 12.5 centimeters for the basement overlap.

How do I fill the floor with expanded clay?

The simplest application of loose claydite is the insulation of horizontal surfaces, that is, floors between floors and, as an option, a flat roof. If you have wooden floors, it is not difficult to organize high-quality thermal insulation, it is enough to pour lime between lags rather generously.

It is best to fill the space inside the overlap using material in two different fractions of , first to pour rubble with a value of 1 to 2 centimeters, and then fill the gaps between the large particles with expanded clay sand. Bulk insulation must be tamped from time to time, because otherwise it will eventually shrink, which will significantly reduce the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation.

The insulation of the concrete overlap is made along the lighthouses, one of which is located at a great distance from the wall, and the rest at a short distance from it with a certain pitch. Spaces between lighthouses are covered with expanded clay, which is then supplemented with finer sand. Aligning the insulation on the lighthouses, pour it with cement milk, which is a highly diluted cement powder.

This is done in order to connect separate fractions between them and not allow them to arbitrarily shift relative to each other, disrupting the aligned surface. From above, the reinforcement is carried out with a metal net, over which a concrete screed is poured. Thermal insulation is fully ready for use immediately after the concrete has hardened.

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