Foam glass: disadvantages and advantages of the material

Production of foam glass

This material is produced at an average temperature of + 800-900 ° C.In the production process, mountain caking rocks and glass waste are used. In the future, all this foams in the gasifier. Thus, foam glass is obtained. The manufacturing process itself is a technically difficult task. That's why the product is not cheap.

Depending on what types of materials were used in the production, foam glass with communicating or closed pores is released. Their size can vary from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Ready-made foam glass is available in the form of granules or blocks. Moreover, the former is much cheaper than the second. The average density of the material is 100-220 kg / m3.The thermal conductivity of foam glass is much higher than that of aerated concrete, it is used at t from -200 to +400 ° C.

The scope of foam glass

The properties of this material allow it to be used in almost all areas of construction. However, the main direction is still the sound and heat insulation of residential, industrial and commercial premises. For example, they can warm houses, garages, cellars, saunas, baths, roofing. Also foam glass blocks are often mounted in the foundation for waterproofing the building.

Yes, and generally used in the construction of any complex underground structures. They can include both heat pipes, and swimming pools, port facilities. In addition to blocks, granular foam glass is widely used. It is added in the manufacture of concrete, all kinds of backfill, plaster and other construction mixtures. Often it is a good substitute for expanded clay.

Summarizing the above, we can say that block foam glass is mainly used for warming walls, floors, foundations, pipes, and granular is often used in roof insulation, as well as during the preparation of various formulations.

Foamed glass: characteristics and properties of

Foam glass is a material that is produced in the form of blocks with a total size of 125-600 mm in width, 20-120 mm in thickness, 125-1200 mm in length. And also heat insulating cylinders with a wall thickness of about 50 mm are produced. The most popular blocks are 450x550 mm in size and 20, 40, 60, 80 mm thick. Like any building material, foam glass has its pros and cons. Positive properties include:

  • Durability. This material can be used for 100 years, withstands sudden temperature changes, erosion, oxidation, deformation and much more.
  • High resistance to biological and chemical effects. Not an environment for the development of mold, fungus and other microorganisms. And also not exposed to chemicals, except for hydrofluoric acid.
  • Strength. Sometimes the material can carry some of the load from the structure due to its physical properties. Compressive strength is much higher than that of foam.
  • Dimensional stability. Due to the cellular structure, the blocks do not shrink. That is why the constancy of dimensions and common physical forms is achieved.
  • Water resistance and non-hygroscopicity. The structure of the material is such that the cells are geometrically impermeable, and therefore do not let water into them.
  • Ecological cleanliness. That's why this building material is used in those buildings where there are high sanitary and hygienic requirements( medical institutions, food industry).
  • Fire resistance. Foam glass is a non-combustible material. During the spread of the flame does not emit any harmful substances.

If we talk about the disadvantages of foam glass, it's a big weight, expensive production, low resistance to mechanical( impact) impacts. In particular, the last parameter is negative, since if a material is damaged, it loses some of its properties( for example, moisture resistance).

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