Many owners of private houses of the old model are wondering whether it is possible to build a cellar in the house. This, at first glance, unnece...
Metal tile - a relatively new material, but firmly won the authority of the consumer. Due to its numerous properties, from an aesthetic appearanc...
The most popular construction in house building is a gable roof. The simplicity and efficiency of the frame is an undeniable advantage in compari...
In the process of finishing the room, gypsum board is a fairly popular material, which, without special costs, will allow you to level the surfac...
As you know, the process of erecting a private house begins with the creation of a foundation. It is at this stage that care should be taken to e...
Roof insulation with foam - is an important stage in the construction of a residential building, and therefore it is necessary to approach accu...
Finishing the foundation in a private house is quite a labor-intensive process, as this part of the building is in close proximity to the ground ...
The erection of any structure is not without construction joints. Such joints are a "weak spot", i.e.can pass moisture and air currents. To avoid...
A terrace is called a platform adjoining the house. It is usually slightly elevated above the ground. It is used, for example, as a place for lun...
Mar 16, 2018
The garage for your car can be built from almost any material. Building a garage from a bar is a reasonable solution. The beam has a number of ad...