Cellar in a private house: construction technology

Many owners of private houses of the old model are wondering whether it is possible to build a cellar in the house. This, at first glance, unnecessary room actually solves many problems. For example, where will you store the harvest of potatoes and other vegetables? And where to store the stocks of jam, salads, pickles and tomatoes prepared for the winter? Just for these purposes, a cellar in a private house is needed.

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In the 60s of the last century it was customary to build a cellar that was separately standing from the dwelling. If it was built in compliance with all norms, then there were no problems in operation. After several decades of use, in this cellar potatoes became worse stored, just a month after the laying began to appear sprouts and rot. Corrupted banks with blockage had to be sent to the trash almost every week. If the individual cellar does not cope with its tasks, and possibly in your private home, it is generally absent, then there is a need for a cellar in the house.

How to make a cellar under the house? Where to start, at what depth can you place a sub-plot, and in which part of the house is it best to make a room? There are a lot of questions, our task is to build a cellar in a private house by all the rules. The construction of the underground can be entrusted to professionals, but the real master will cope with this task independently. After all, the main thing is desire, a little patience and skill.

What are the advantages of the underground in a private house

As mentioned earlier, in the last century, separately standing cellars were popular. The operation of this basement was very convenient. At any time, you could go down to the basement on the stairs and lay down / take the harvest.

Now, to build such a cellar, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. For example, first you need to properly insulate the storage, pay special attention to the insulation of the ceiling. Even with modern building materials, there is no guarantee that a stable temperature will be maintained in the street cellar. Another thing - a cellar in a private house - all year round the room retains the optimum temperature for storing plugging and vegetables.

Cellar in a private house. Photo:




The cellar in a private house is a small room in which the floor level will be less than the height of the walls by 1/2 and below the ground level. If the depth of the sub-floor is less than half the height of the walls, then such a room is called the basement floor.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of cellars in residential buildings.

What are the advantages:

  • basement - this is an additional useful area in a private house. Indoors, you can store conservation, food, vegetables, fruits and any other things;
  • from the basement you can make a workshop, garage, a separate place for storing vegetables, cheese and wine ripening, you can also do laundry, gym, swimming pool and even a sauna;
  • if you have a small house, and the area of ​​the adjacent territory is not enough to build a separate shed with a basement, then it is quite possible to manage a basement room built under a private house;
  • in the presence of a basement, the floor in your house will always remain warm and dry;
  • we ourselves create comfortable conditions for living in the house - in the cold season you do not have to go out to get into the barn and go down to the basement for conservation or vegetables.

What are the disadvantages of the basement in the house:

  • the only drawback of building a basement in a private home is the high cost of materials. It is not everyone who can afford to build a cellar under the house, because if you calculate the costs, the cost of the construction work will be approximately 25% of the total amount of construction of the apartment house. After all, first you need to perform the most difficult part of the job - remove the land, then equip the waterproofing and make the interior of the basement.

How to make a cellar in a private house

Before building a cellar, we define the place under the house. It is very important not only the convenience of the technical room itself, but also the factors that can affect its functionality. When building a cellar in a private house with your own hands, it is important to take into account the depth of groundwater.

How to make a dry cellar in the house:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the type of soil. If your house is located on a rocky base, then it will be difficult to dig a cellar, because it is impossible to "drive" heavy equipment under a room.
  2. The height of groundwater - if it changes several times a year( the maximum level is reached in the winter), then a reliable foundation( waterproofing layer) is necessary, which does not always justify the hopes. Over time, if the groundwater rises high, the basement can flood. It is possible to avoid this if you lift the bottom of the cellar 50 cm above the top mark.


How can the groundwater table be determined? It is impossible to foresee this natural process, the only thing we can do is ask our neighbors if they have a well or a well, what is the depth of the groundwater. You can go the other way and perform trial drilling or do this: when the weather is dry, cover a small area of ​​soil that is adjacent to your house, a film. The next day you will be able to get an answer to your question - if the plastic film remains dry, then you can proceed to the construction of the basement, and if condensation has appeared - then in the immediate vicinity of the groundwater are located.

When the optimal place for the arrangement of the cellar is selected, it is possible to start work. In advance, take care of where you will move the excess soil. The problem is solved, if you are simultaneously constructing a dwelling house and laying a cellar. At this stage, it is easier to make ventilation. Another question, how to be, if the apartment building already has a basement and walls. Then it is necessary to dig a foundation pit manually, and the entire soil should be delivered to the surface in small batches. This process is labor-intensive, so you will need skill and patience.

Tools, to perform this part of the work:

  • shovel;
  • pickaxe;
  • capacity for earth( bucket and wheelbarrow).

When you are engaged in the construction of a pit, teach that it is undesirable to dig a hole near the walls of a residential house, because then you can loosen the soil under the building and the building can be deformed.

If your house is built on pile grounds, then there can be no danger, since all the load falls on the lower soil layer, to which it is impossible to get by hand using a shovel.

The depth of the excavation for the arrangement of the cellar should be 2.5 m, given the level of the floor in the living area. In addition, we take into account the thickness of the sprinkled layer, plus the screed - the height of the room will eventually be equal to 2 m. This is quite enough for comfortable operation of the cellar.

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If the groundwater flows low, you can dig a drainage well, which will receive water and condensate during precipitation( rain, snow).The depth of the well is 1 m, the diameter is 50 cm. If the water level remains stable and high, the pit becomes necessary - it is a small reservoir with sealed walls for collecting water, which from time to time it is necessary to pump out using a drain pump.

Selecting a location

It is important to determine the location of the cellar when constructing a cellar. You can not have the sub-base adjoining the foundation, since then there will be temperature changes, which means that it will not be possible to ensure the safety of the reserves.

It is advisable to place the cellar not under a heated room. If you choose a place for a cellar under the hallway or veranda, you can ensure a natural microclimate in the vault.

Many owners of private homes believe that if you deepen the cellar, you can count on a stable indoor temperature. This is really so, only why waste energy and extra means to make a deep cellar, because you can use high-quality insulation materials.

What is needed for ventilation in the cellar

The security of not only the basement, but all communications in the house - this is the correct ventilation. If the room has good air circulation, you can avoid the appearance of fungus and mold, and most importantly - get rid of excess moisture, which over the years gradually destroys the construction of the house. Regardless of the material chosen( even the most expensive and modern), oxygen and moisture act on the building fatal.

In the basement there is always a little oxygen, plus increased humidity. It turns out that the cellar contains an increased percentage of methane, which means that the probability of a fire and even an explosion is high. It is clear that it will be dangerous to be in such a room. How to make a cellar under the house to avoid this problem?

Since the optimum temperature of the properly equipped cellar is + 5-7 ° C, and the humidity varies within the range of 60-70%, this will be enough to ensure the preservation of vegetables and conservation. To approach these parameters of an ideal cellar, it is necessary to equip the ventilation system. It will not allow the temperature to drop during the cold season.

The best thing is to equip the natural ventilation of the cellar. Its principle of operation is extremely simple - warm air should rise, and the cold should go down. To do this without large investments is quite realistic - it is necessary to equip a natural supply and exhaust ventilation system. To realize this task, take 2 steel or galvanized pipes, polyvinyl chloride pipes or asbestos cement pipes can be used. Install the supply pipe in the corner of the cellar - at a height of 50 cm from the floor, the exhaust pipe - on the opposite side of the room in the upper part of the cellar, directly under the ceiling. It should be higher by half a meter than the skate, as a result, we get a difference in pressure, and in the cellar - the natural circulation of air. From the pipe section, as well as from the difference in temperature and air circulation, the final result will depend.

Usually such ventilation is installed during the construction of the house and there are no special problems with the installation of pipes. If you make a cellar in an apartment building, then you first need to prepare a site, drill a hole in the foundation to install the exhaust pipe. It can be put along the wall and fastened to the house by staples or clamps. On the opposite side of the cellar, a foundation section is also dug out and a supply pipe is installed. The gaps between the pipes must be sealed, and a fine mesh should be placed on the upper part of the supply pipe so that the rodents and garbage do not enter the room.


Arrangement of the floor and walls in the cellar

After the space for the arrangement of the cellar has been prepared and the ventilation is thought out, it's time to isolate the apartment house. To do this, the bottom of the cellar needs to be leveled and covered with fine gravel( the thickness of the layer is 15 cm).If you made a well, then it must be fenced with a wooden beam so that the concrete solution does not get inside.

We pour pre-prepared melted bitumen on rubble, so we can provide a screen for water - even if groundwater is low during prolonged floods and showers, water may appear in the cellar.

A good option - to fill the floor with a layer of gravel and sand, and top lay a dense polyethylene, which also serves as a waterproofing material.


Next on the film we mount a metal mesh. It should not lie on the screed, so we construct a stand( height 3 cm).After doing this part of the work, you can pour the floor in the cellar with concrete. As a solution for the preparation of concrete, it is better to use cement of the M200 grade, or you can prepare the solution yourself from a mixture of sand and cement. Proportions: 1 part of cement M400 and 3 parts of sand( can be replaced with small crushed stone).

We are finishing the walls of the cellar in a wooden house. The walls in the cellar can be removed from the monolithic reinforced concrete or brick. By the way, instead of bricks, foam blocks can be used.

How to finish the walls with monolithic reinforced concrete:

  1. We build the internal formwork from any improvised material. Suitable for OSB, plywood or boards.
  2. The wall is lined with waterproofing material( roofing paper or dense polyethylene).
  3. We assemble the wireframe from reinforced wire.
  4. In the above described way, we prepare the solution and proceed to pour the carcass layer by layer. After every 25 cm we make a bayonet.
  5. You can remove the formwork after 5 days, but the final strength of concrete will be collected after a month.
  6. If you are working in hot weather, it is important not to allow the cracking of concrete, for this wall from time to time it is necessary to moisten with water from the spray gun.


Construction of walls of brick

For masonry, you can use foam blocks or red brick( only not hollow).Such material keeps the heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through.

If your house is built on dry soil, then the masonry of the walls in the cellar can be made in half a brick, if there are groundwater nearby, then in 1 brick.


Finishing the cellar

The walls in the basement must be treated with a primer mix and plastered. Instead of a primer, you can impregnate them with slaked lime to protect the cellar from the spread of the fungus.

It is undesirable to coat the walls of the cellar with wood materials( lining, etc.) to prevent the accumulation of condensation formed between the panels and the wall.

You can arrange the cellar in different ways. If you plan to store vegetables and preserve, then you need to install a sufficient number of shelves to store glass jars. Shelves are better to immediately build metal, as the tree will eventually rot.


To store vegetables( cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots), make wooden boxes. They can be installed closer to the entrance.

How to build a ladder in the cellar

Since we have built a cellar in a private house, you can get into it directly through the hatchway or make a full staircase.

If you want to comfortably visit the storehouse, then the ladder can be installed ready-made wooden( which actually makes the process easier) or build a flight of stairs. Steps( width 35 cm, depth - 15 cm) are best cast from concrete, it is undesirable to use wood for these purposes.

A staircase with a slope of 60 ° C horizontally must rest against the outer wall, and on the other hand - on the partition.


To cope with the work on the construction of a cellar in the house, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video:

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