The cellar in the suburban area is the most necessary object, because after growing a decent crop of fruits and vegetables, we can nullify all the results of our labors if we do not ensure their proper storage. How to build your own hands this important structure is told in this article.
- Where to arrange a cellar
- How to make a cellar in a country house
- How to build a cellar in your country house
- Choose a material
- Choose dimensions
- Concrete base and walls
- Ceiling for a cellar
- How to build a bulk cellar with your own hands
- Building a land cellar
- Buildingsemi-buried cellar
- Plastic cellar for dacha
- Advantages of construction
- Cons of caisson
- Advices of experienced
- Manufacturer
- cellar Cellar Cellar BARS
Varieties cellars
There are 3 main types of cellars:
- completely buried in the ground;
- recessed by half;
- ground.
Where to arrange the cellar
The construction of the cellar at the dacha begins with the selection of the place. Based on the following considerations:
- If you need to save space, place it under the house or under one of the outbuildings. Of course, first we dig a cellar, and then we erect a building. Such a cellar is most convenient to operate.
- When the size of the plot allows you to build a detached cellar, then in addition to its direct purpose, it will also become an interesting element of landscape design. At the same time, we should not forget that when choosing a place the decisive factor is the hydrogeological conditions - the level of groundwater, first of all. The best place is a hill.
How to make a cellar at the dacha
To understand how to make a cellar in the country, first consider the simplest option. Such a primitive non-capital cellar gardeners sometimes do to use it to store the products brought with them and some small part of the harvest. The process of its construction consists of several stages:
We make a sketch, where we indicate the dimensions of the cellar, the materials required and the approximate cost.
- We begin to dig the pit. Optimal depth in your growth.
- We arrange the bottom of the cellar, i.e.pour a layer of rubble - about 15 cm, sand - 5 centimeters, we ram and fill in the concrete solution. This element performs two functions - the foundation and the floor.
- In the corners of the foundation pit, even before the concrete mixture is poured, we expose the posts from the corner. After the concrete floor has solidified, we tighten the frame with metal cross-pieces.
- To prevent soil shedding, we set up a net-netting with a shallow cell behind the frame.
- We install the cover, it is well insulated to prevent air from flowing from the outside.
- We arrange primitive ventilation in the form of a pipe. The simplest cellar is ready.
Capital cellar in the country with their own hands
Having conceived to build a cellar in the dacha with their own hands, such that it served a generation, approach carefully to every step. Now consider the version of the cellar, which is completely underground. The main thing: start building when there is a positive temperature in the street.
We select material
Soberly we will estimate the financial possibilities, and then we decide what to choose for construction of our product safe:
- brick;
- concrete slabs;
- wood;
- metal.
Choose the dimensions of
Specialists consider the following parameters optimal:
- The volume in the final form is 2х3х2 m, length, width and height respectively. These dimensions vary depending on specific conditions and needs, but in any case, 0.5-0.6 m is added to the length and width of the excavation.
- The floor is 0.5-0.6 m above the ground water line.
- Ceiling overlap - 0.2-0.3 m lower than the freezing depth of the soil.
- Thickness of walls - 0,25 m.
Concreting of foundation and walls
. Choosing suitable dimensions and excavating the pit, proceed to pouring the bottom of the excavation with concrete:
- Align the bottom of the pit, strictly controlling the horizontal level of the building level.
- We fall asleep gravel, then moistened sand. We diligently weed.
- We cover the sand and gravel cushion with roofing material - horizontal waterproofing.
- Fill the base with concrete mortar.
- Set the perimeter of steel rods in steps of 100 cm and wait until the base solidifies.
- To the vertical rods we weld or wire the horizontal reinforcement, observing the interval of about 300 mm.
- We arrange a strong formwork. Verify the verticality.
- Fill the concrete walls of the cellar at once evenly around the perimeter, otherwise there will be mounting seams, which will weaken the structure.
- We apply bitumen mastic on walls or we paste roofing material - vertical waterproofing.
For information : sometimes a plastic film for waterproofing is placed in the formwork, and then the walls are poured.
Important: to ensure a sufficient density of concrete, and in the walls of the cellar there are no air shells, constantly stir the concrete mixture during pouring.
There are other options for wall installation in the cellar:
- Lay out of red brick, stone or concrete blocks.
- Trim with logs or wooden beams. In this case, the tree is treated with special means to prevent its decay.
- Cover with asbestos cement sheets on a wooden crate.
Sometimes metal walls are made, but then problems with temperature can not be avoided.
Ceiling for cellar
Different materials are used for covering the cellar:
- reinforced concrete slabs;
- strong wooden beams or logs;
- metal profile, etc.
The walls for the cellar serve as a support for the ceiling, therefore its dimensions should exceed the square of the room below it. This important stage of construction is carried out in the following sequence:
- We place channels with an emphasis on walls with a longer length at a distance of 0.5 m from each other.
- Weld first perpendicularly, and then parallel to the metal profile armature so that squares with a side of 250 mm are obtained.
- We arrange wooden formwork.
- We introduce 2 asbestos pipes for supply and exhaust ventilation and an electrical box with a wire laid in it.
- We mount rigid supports, the purpose of which is to prevent the deflection of the overlap when pouring a solution having a large weight. Supports are installed in such a way that each had an area of about one and a half square meters.m.
- We seal the formwork, preventing leakage of the solution when pouring.
- Fill the concrete, filling the entire space in the span of the channel-reinforcement grid. We make sure that there is not one empty corner left. In the finished form, the overlap is a slab with a maximum height of 0.3 m. This plate stiffens for about a month.
- Heat insulation with roofing material or other heat-insulating material.
- We fall asleep a ready overlapping ground, forming a mound or doing a roof. Since the overlap at us turned out to be very strong, it can serve as a foundation for erecting a small structure above the cellar - a burial-chamber made in the form of a house, a gazebo or to arrange an entrance in a different way.
Sequence of manufacturing of concrete floors is described in this video:
The above described process of independent device of reinforced concrete covering of the cellar, but if there is a possibility of using construction equipment, then ready-made concrete slabs are bought. There is one inconvenience in this variant - the dimensions of the cellar will have to be limited by the size of the plates.
It is possible to dig a cellar at a dacha in the manner described above only when the groundwater is low, and if their level is high, this option, of course, will not work. For areas where water is near the surface, a good solution is to build a bulk cellar.
How to build a bulk cellar with your own hands
This type of cellar is performed in 2 versions: vegetable storage, it is also called ground and semi-deep.
The choice of one of the options depends on the water table. Use in this case one interesting folk method:
- Buryat pit with a depth of at least 1.5 m. It makes sense to do this in the spring, when there is enough water in the ground.
- Check after a day if there is water in it. If the water appeared - you can build a cellar only on the surface, otherwise - you can lay a semi-buried cellar.
Construction of a ground cellar
If it turns out that the humidity level is too high, then there is no other way out how to build an above-ground cellar, the necessary microclimate is maintained in it due to the layer of land that the basement is collapsed. Schematically, the construction process looks like this:
- We choose a place on a hill.
- Make a marking and remove the layer of soil around the perimeter to a depth of no more than 40 cm.
- Deeper, increase the perimeter by 30 cm on each side.
- We fall asleep in the pit drainage, i.e.broken brick, rubble, sand and just construction debris, we compact it.
- We arrange the floor of brick.
- Fulfilling the walls. As a material for them logs of small diameter, a board, a croaker will approach. Naturally, the tree is processed to protect from decay and pests.
- We fill the gap.
- On the outside we cover the walls with bituminous mastic and glue the ruberoid.
- Mount the wooden floor and cover it with a mixture of clay and straw.
- We smear the mastic with clay salt and cover with ruberoid.
- We fall asleep a layer of earth, on which we sow lawn grass.
We build a semi-buried cellar
Most often we build semi-buried cellars in cottages, photos taken at different sites show how you can beat this version of the storage, turning it into one of the elements that blend in with the design and decorate the site.
Feasibility of the device of a semi-buried cellar is justified by the high level of groundwater location on the site, when it is impossible to go deeper than 1 m. The algorithm is as follows:
- We prepare the pit with a depth of 0.7 m.
- We arrange a brick or concrete base.
- We build the walls to a height of 0.22 m, without forgetting to leave in one of them an opening for the entrance door.
- Isolate the bottom and walls.
- We construct an overlap that is easiest to make from a slab with a thickness of 5 cm, then:
- pour a layer of clay;
- is covered with two layers of ruberoid;
- is covered with soil for a thickness of 0.7 m;
- we cover the construction with turf.
6. We put in the door, we build a canopy over it, we make steps.
Below is a sketch of the aboveground cellar:
- 1 - a pillow made of rubble, broken brick or sand;
- 3 - ground;
- 4 - a mixture of clay and straw;
- 5 - waterproofing;
- 6 - fatty clay, acting as a lock;
- 7 - floor made of brick installed on the edge.
Such a cellar can be attached to a house or a garage, then only 3 walls will have to be erected.
The construction of all these cellars requires considerable physical effort and the availability of free time, but there is one more option that allows significantly speeding up this process. This is a cellar of plastic. Let's consider in more detail its advantages and disadvantages.
Plastic cellar for villas
Plastic cellars are cameras with a wall thickness of a maximum of 1.6 cm. The shape is different. There are designs with stiffeners or without. The equipment of separate products differs: they can have a cover, shelves, a ladder, a ready ventilation system. Popular sizes are 150x150x150 and 200x200x200 cm.
Advantages of the
design. The advantages of this design are as follows:
- The location is chosen where it is convenient for the owner, and not depending on the location of groundwater.
- The technology of installation is very simple in comparison with the device of a traditional cellar.there is no need to perform many works.
- There are no temperature and humidity changes on the caisson.
- It does not inhabit microorganisms and pests.
Cons of the caisson
Before deciding on the purchase of a plastic cellar, consider whether you are satisfied with its disadvantages: the
- cost is considerable, it will cost 25 percent more than done by own hands;
- standard dimensions;
- if set incorrectly, then high groundwater can expel it from the excavation.
Tips experienced
To not regret the acquisition, listen to the advice of people who already have such happiness as a plastic cellar for giving:
- pay attention to the quality of the material, check the certificates, GOSTs and other documentation;
- for installation invite professionals;
- to monitor the quality of work is good to have a familiar professional in the extreme case of a person in no way associated with a working team;
- to protect yourself from problems, conclude a contract with the installers and pay attention to the guarantees that they provide.
Manufacturers of cellar
Plastic cellar can be bought or ordered. For example, the company Russian "Aqua Hold" produces cellars in 3 versions:
Cellar BARS
- Rectangular made of plastic 10 mm thick.
2. The cellar in the second version is cylindrical, made of polyethylene pipe, spiral wound with a wall of at least 2.5 cm, height according to customer's request.
3. The third cellar is rectangular, cast, manufactured using a rotomolding machine. Has stiffeners and a protruding bottom, which reliably protects the caisson from ascending.
A good plastic cellar is manufactured by the plant of polymer products "Tingard".The main advantage of the TINGER cellar is that it has no seams, which means that it does not threaten the penetration of groundwater through a poor-quality connection.
It is impossible to build a cellar in the country, not knowing the basic principles, its arrangement. The author of this video shares useful knowledge in this respect: