Finishing the foundation in a private house is quite a labor-intensive process, as this part of the building is in close proximity to the ground level. Due to this, it is necessary to pay attention not only to coating technology, but also to the quality of materials. Among modern types of cladding, the greatest demand is for socle siding. This kind of material has a favorable ratio of cost, technical characteristics and durability in operation.
- Types of facing material for the foundation
- Advantages of the
- siding
- siding process features
gradual installation
types of facing material You can use different types of materials to decorate the outside of the foundation foundation. Among the most common are the following types of coatings:
- Plaster - the most common version of the plinth trim, which is characterized by low price and poor performance.
- Artificial or natural stone - quite aesthetic, durable and durable material, which has a high cost.
- Decorative panels - an expensive type of coating, which has a high aesthetic value and durability.
- Brick - the material is durable, but it requires a troublesome attitude in the process of facing.
- Tile is a relatively inexpensive type of material, but it is not very durable and requires a laborious cladding process.
- Siding is an affordable, wear-resistant coating that has a wide variety of colors and textures.
Advantages of facing with siding
Finishing the basement with socle siding is the most optimal variant of facing the house. This material is a vinyl panel, the texture and pattern of which imitates a natural stone or a brick. Such a coating is completely unaffected by the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and moisture, and is also able to withstand temperature fluctuations from -50 ° C to +50 ° C.Let's consider in detail the advantages of facing the sink of the siding:
- this type of coating has a low weight, which does not create additional load on the bearing wall of the building;
- due to the fact that the composition of the material includes special additives, siding is very plastic and can withstand several cycles of expansion and contraction under the influence of temperatures;
- , this coating protects the substrate from moisture, and quickly and easily mounted on the plinth;
- siding is resistant to mechanical and physical effects;
- coating has a long service life - about 50 years, while the panels do not require additional protection in the form of paintwork materials;
- basement siding allows to ensure proper ventilation of the basement level;
- material has low thermal conductivity values, due to which heat is reliably kept inside the building;
- variability of textures and textural solutions allows you to design the facade of the building on an individual and original design.
Features of the
siding process This kind of material is universal, as it is suitable for mounting on any surface. Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of socle siding, which can imitate both natural stone and brickwork, slate, shipboard. In this case, the coating is very practical in the care and for its facing it will not be necessary to have special knowledge or skills.
However, the foundation siding with its own hands, like any other facing process, has some features. Let's consider them in more details:
- Panels made of such material can be mounted exclusively on the vertical plane of the facade. For this reason, it is not recommended to sidewise the upper horizontal wall surface.
- The foundation should be finished in a clear sequence: the panels are laid from the left corner of the building to the right, starting with the mounting of the starting plate.
- To provide additional insulation for the room, it is advisable to use non-foamed materials for the facing of the basement level, and "breathable" materials. They need to be laid under the siding panels.
- It is mandatory to take into account possible changes in the geometric parameters of the surface that arise due to temperature changes in summer / winter time. To do this, it is necessary to provide a small gap at the joints between the panels themselves, as well as additional elements of the coating.
- Do not install the siding on an unprepared surface. Mount the panels can be exclusively on the crate or plywood shields, which is lined with plinth.
- Fasteners, which serve to hold the coating on the surface, it is necessary to deepen not less than 10-13 mm. In this case, it is necessary to install fasteners in the very center of a specially designed hole.
- Do not screw the fasteners to the stop, it is better to leave a small gap - about 1.5-2.2 mm.
Important! To calculate the necessary number of siding panels for plating the base of your house, you need to follow this principle: the width of each wall should be divided by the length of one facing panel, and then summed the obtained data. As for the height of the foundation level, then there is only one siding fragment. If the cap is too high, you will need to multiply the result obtained in the first calculation by 1.5.
Step-by-step installation of the
material Before you begin to finish the siding with a siding, carefully prepare the wall surface. As noted earlier, the primary task is to install the battens. So, the process of forming the frame is as follows:
- Initially, you should fix the mounting base on the base, on which the panels will be kept. It can be made of wood or galvanized metal profile. The second option is more reliable and durable.
- Use successive movements to attach the profile bars to the frame, so that they are in a horizontal position. To check, use the building level.
- If you intend to use the panels in one row in height for the shelling of the basement level, then you need fragments with a width of 45-47 cm. At the same time, the skeleton of the curtain from the metal profile must be built from three lines - under the upper edge of the siding panel, in the middle and near the base of the plinth.
- Fixation of the strips is carried out by means of screws and dowels, the length of which should be at least 8-10 cm.
- After this, it is necessary to install additional elements( starting and finishing strips, strips, etc.), as well as directly siding.
- It is necessary to fasten the starting strip of the cladding to the lath so that it is located strictly horizontally. For fixing, self-tapping is used, and the distance between the fasteners should be about 30 cm.
- When the facing reaches the building corner, it is necessary to fix the corner element, which is mounted to the crate in a similar way. The allowance for the angular strip should be at least 1 cm.
- At the end of the plating process, fix the finishing strip, which looks like a decorative fragment of the siding.
- After this, you can proceed to the lining of the whole socle. The first cover panel is inserted into the grooves of the original strip and is pushed into the corner element so that there is a small gap.
- The second panel is then installed. To do this, it is necessary to establish a support bar and move it close to the first siding fragment. Everything is fixed by analogy with the previous method.
- The same principle is used to cover the whole socle.
Important! If necessary, the last element of the cladding can be shortened, then attach it to the lathing. Only after this is done the installation of the finishing corner bar.
The technology of finishing the pile foundation with socle siding is presented in the video: