Construction Site

Building a visor over the porch with your own hands
Building a visor over the porch with your own hands
Apr 08, 2018

It's not that difficult to manufacture and install a visor over the porch with your own hands. The need to install a canopy above the entran...

Expand useful space by adding a veranda to the house with your own hands
Expand useful space by adding a veranda to the house with your own hands
Apr 12, 2018

Attaching the veranda to the houses with your own hands is most often performed when the capital has already been habitable. The constructio...

Various methods of welding polypropylene pipes
Various methods of welding polypropylene pipes
Apr 08, 2018

Today, polypropylene pipes are welded in various ways. New construction materials, including polypropylene, allow creating reliable and dura...

We lay paving stones by our own hands
We lay paving stones by our own hands
Apr 11, 2018

The laying of pavers has become very popular as a type of construction work. If compared with the asphalt laying process, the paving stones ...

Overview of options for laying pavers
Overview of options for laying pavers
Apr 12, 2018

If you have decided to pave the path near the house with eco-friendly and durable material, then it's time to learn about the options for laying ...

We make the system of drip irrigation for the greenhouse
We make the system of drip irrigation for the greenhouse
Apr 12, 2018

The drip irrigation system is a special method of irrigation, in which irrigation water is supplied in portions directly to the roots of the pl...

Simple process of laying slate on the roof
Simple process of laying slate on the roof
Feb 15, 2018

The slate laying process is not so difficult, if you get an instruction in advance about the technical aspects of the work, prepare the necessa...

Fastening of plasterboard to the profile
Fastening of plasterboard to the profile
Apr 05, 2018

Those who decided to make repairs in the apartment using plasterboard, it is necessary to know how to fix the drywall to the profile, because w...

Thermal insulation of the bath with his own hands
Thermal insulation of the bath with his own hands
Apr 05, 2018

Owners of suburban areas on which the doubles are erected, for sure, wonder how to insulate the baths from the inside with their own hands to b...

An important stage of home heat insulation is the insulation of the socle
An important stage of home heat insulation is the insulation of the socle
Apr 05, 2018

Thermal insulation of the socle is one of the most important stages in the insulation of the entire house. The base is part of the foundation...