Obligatory insulation of the ceiling in the bath

Obligatory insulation of the ceiling in the bath

Warming the ceiling of the bath is a mandatory construction procedure.

Otherwise, all the fun of living steam can be hopelessly spoiled, because the bath will be cold, damp and uncomfortable.

In principle, the insulation of the ceiling and the walls of the bath with polystyrene or sawdust can be made with their own hands, without resorting to the services of professionals.

It is only necessary to select materials correctly and to follow the sequence of work stages. This is what will be discussed in this article.


  • Materials used to insulate the ceiling in the bath
  • Technological features of the
    • bath ceiling insulation Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3
    • Step 4

Materials used to insulate the ceiling in the

bath Until recently, the choice of materials that were used forThe insulation of the bath( and other buildings) was limited to mineral wool, foam, or even simple sawdust.

However, these materials, although they cope with their main task, but still have a number of significant drawbacks.


So, insulation with foam can be fraught with serious consequences for human health, as this material generates toxic substances when heated.

Warming with sawdust does not always allow to achieve the expected result, and the durability of such insulation leaves much to be desired.

The warming of the wool from the inside with mineral wool looks on this background, perhaps, the best solution. But the characteristics of the material are very important.

The most common method for warming a steam room with mineral wool is using a classic version with inclusions of components made on a basalt basis.

The most common materials are:

  • Foamed polypropylene. Samples designed specifically for the bath, on the one hand are lined with a special reflective foil, which not only prevents the dampening and fogging of the ceiling, but also helps to keep heat;Expanded claydite and its varieties. The warming of the ceiling and the walls of the steam room with expanded clay is mainly used in baths of sufficiently large sizes. Thanks to its porous structure, this material perfectly preserves heat. However, the insulation with expanded clay requires additional work related to the arrangement of waterproofing both inside and outside. In addition, despite the relatively small weight, expanded clay is able to significantly increase the total weight of the wooden structure;
  • "Growing" varieties of cellular concrete. Reliable, but relatively expensive and time-consuming technology. It requires the use not only of special construction material, but also the construction of the formwork, albeit the simplest, but inevitably increasing the mass of construction.

There is also the so-called folk way. It consists in the creation of several thermal insulation layers.

The first layer is a mixture of earth with clay( peat), filled with cement. It is equipped from inside the steam room, from above is placed a kind of "carpet" of dry leaves and sawdust.

The resultant "cake" is tamped with clay or earth mixed with the same sawdust, after which the interior is finished with lining, timber, stone and other materials.

Ceiling scheme

This method is quite primitive and short-lived, but, nevertheless, it is often used to insulate not only the ceiling, but also the walls.

Of course, the main advantage of this technology is that it can be easily applied when insulating the bath with your own hands.

Technological features of bath ceiling insulation

Strange as it may seem, despite the primitiveness of the folk way of warming the ceiling and the walls of the bath from the inside, the idea of ​​creating an insulating pie has found the widest distribution in modern advanced thermal insulation technologies.

A typical algorithm for the insulation of the ceiling or walls today looks like this.

Step 1

First, a layer of waterproofing material is laid on the surface of the walls or ceiling of the steam room from the inside.

This can be a special film, ordinary or aluminum coated with one or both sides. Sometimes a foil or other moisture-proof material is used.

This step is relevant both for a structure that has an attic, and for a bath without it.

The waterproofing layer, on the one hand, prevents the inside of the steam room from penetrating atmospheric precipitation from the outside, and on the other hand it prevents the formation of condensate on the surfaces of the ceiling and walls of the steam compartment, due to the high concentration of moisture coming from the inside.


When the ceiling or walls are insulated with mineral wool, it must be borne in mind that with all the hygroscopicity of this material, excessive moisture can lead to a rotting process, the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, the appearance of mold, fungus and other undesirable "surprises".

The main nuance in installing a waterproofing layer with only one metallized or foil side is that the glossy layer should look at the installer when laying.

Step 2

Then proceed directly to laying the insulation material.

It should be remembered that the insulation with mineral wool from the inside of the room strongly requires that a small ventilation gap remains between the external waterproofing layer and the insulating material itself.

This is necessary to prevent rotting, the appearance of mold and the squeezing of mineral wool or other material.

Step 3

When insulating a bath with mineral wool, it must be protected from excessive moisture, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

For this, another layer - vapor barrier insulation - is laid on top of the already installed insulation.

Ceiling Mounting

As a material for its construction, regular polyethylene or other varieties of polymers are quite suitable.

This layer will effectively protect the insulation from steam and moisture, the formation of condensation, and significantly increase the life time of the insulation material.

The installation of the vapor barrier layer is quite simple. Often, a polymer film is simply attached to mineral wool with a construction stapler.

Step 4

The final stage of work on the insulation of a sauna, steam room or sauna with our own hands consists in covering the created heat-insulating "pie" with facing materials.

Here, the market of building materials provides almost unlimited space for imagination!

Today, in addition to the classic classic lining, there is a huge amount of facing and finishing materials.


Modern materials designed for finishing ceilings and bath walls, not only look very impressive, but also have high insulation and heat exchange characteristics.

The concrete choice depends only on the preferences of the owners of the bathhouse, their artistic taste and financial possibilities.

Thus, the insulation of the ceiling of the bath looks complicated only at first glance.

In fact, any person who has minimal skills of construction or repair, can solve this problem with their own hands.

Of course, subject to a competent selection of materials, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a particular room and observance of safety procedures.

There is nothing better than after the labors in the garden or "feats" on the plot to melt the bathhouse and plenty to enjoy a life-giving park and a birch broom!

Thermal insulation of the pipe

If the roof of the bath does not leak, and in the steam room does not blow and does not smell of chemistry, then any normal person from there and for ears sometimes you will not pull out.

And in order to have a hot steam, surely you need a warm ceiling!

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