Fence from a slab is an original construction that will become a wonderful decoration of your country house or villa.
The reason why many people want to make their fence from this material is, first of all, its low cost - in comparison with the boards, this material will cost you almost free.
In this case, all the properties inherent in the tree, there is this material: it is durable, environmentally friendly and looks no worse than any other wooden material.
In the article you will learn all the necessary information that will help to make a fence from a slab.
You will also get step-by-step video instruction and see the photo decor - all this will help you to make a durable and eye-catching barrier at your dacha, which will cost you very, very cheaply.
- How to work with material?
- Fence installation
- Finishing of the fence
How to work with the material?
The slab itself is a so-called waste, without which no sawmill is possible.
As you have already learned, by properties it is not inferior to boards and other wood, and its only weak point is its appearance.
Since it is not very attractive, it is necessary to process the slab before using it for fence.
You need to process each board, so the installation of such a fence will take a little longer, but the savings will be significant.
First, select the required amount of material. Of course, you can not collect all boards of the same size, but it is desirable that they fit in a height of 20-25 cm.
If the size is less, then work with the material will be inconvenient, and the appearance will be unpresentable, and if more - there isrisk that the boards will crack and dry out.
The boards need to be cleaned of the bark to minimize the risk of rotting the material.
You can do this with different tools: a hatchet, a cramp, a grinding machine or just a sharpened shovel.
It will be easier to work with a grinder, and then the croaker will be better.
After the bark is removed, the material must be dried thoroughly, but first check to see if it has through holes and other obvious deformations.
After this follows the main stage of the slab processing - sanding. This is the most time-consuming process.
After finishing work, do not forget to treat the material with a protective antiseptic against insects and other parasites( it is better to process in two layers).
At this the first stage can be considered finished, and then proceed directly to the installation of the fence from the croaker.
Fence installation
You need poles for the fence supports, preferably wooden ones.
It is better to buy ready-made processed material with a diameter of about 20 cm. You can also take metal posts, but in this case it will be more difficult to make a fence because of a non-uniform material.
If you still want to install metal supports, you will first need to cover them with a protective mastic against corrosion.
And if the pillars are made of wood, then they need to be impregnated with a means of mold and a water-repellent solution.
Before installing the fence, you need to make a markup of the territory in order to visualize where it will pass. The marking is done with the help of pegs and a cord stretched between them.
The depth of the pits under the poles should be about 60-70 cm, it is better to drill it with a special technique. The distance between the supports should not be less than 2 m, so that the fence is stable.
The bottom of the pits should be covered with a sand cushion about 20 cm high( made from a mixture of crushed stone and sand).
It is necessary to make a spill between the layers of the backfill, so that the material is better tamped.
When immersed, the pillars need to be wrapped with roofing material - this will improve their waterproofing properties.
After installation in pits, the size of the posts should be at least one and a half meters( preferably from 1.5 to 1.8 meters), they must be adjusted vertically in height.
After immersing the pillars, their locations are filled with cement mortar and left for 1-3 days until completely solidified.
After this, you can proceed to secure the slab and create a full fence.
Mounting types are very diverse: look at the photo and choose the one that suits you best.
Slabs can be attached horizontally or vertically. The first method is easier, becausein this case, the slab is attached directly to the supports, which means that you will not need logs.
If you install a fence on wooden poles, then everything will be much easier: you need to nail on both sides( left and right) bars along the length of the pole and fix the slabs on them( the fasteners are best suited for fastening).
If you decide to mount the slab vertically, you first need to mount the lags on which it will be fastened.
You can also mount the croaker in different ways. Because the material is not uniform, you can install it, either leaving gaps, or fixing the overlap, creating a solid wall.
With sufficient patience, you can make the slab fit to fit, but it will take you a very long time, so it's better to use one of the two above installation methods.
The croaker is always "hump" in the yard, and the plates begin to be fastened from the inside of the lags, the gap between them should be 45 cm.
As the structure from the slab inevitably shrinks, it is better to mount the material overlapping so that the boards overlap one another about one and a half centimeters.
See photos and videos to make a fence from the slab with your own hands, they will make it easier for you to work and will make all the stages more understandable.
Finishing the fence
The barrier from the slab, despite the fact that the material has got to you practically for nothing, does not prevent you from turning the fence into a real decoration of the cottage, adding elements of decor to it.
The easiest way to improve the appearance of the croaker is to paint it.
In this case, the fence does not have to be monophonic - you can make a beautiful pattern, or paint it in different colors, at your discretion.
In addition, the material can be coated with varnish or varnish - these materials will not only make it more beautiful, but also increase the resistance to attacks of parasites.
If you own a curly cut, you can process the fence - so you will remove the obvious difference in the size of the material.
However, you can not mask the material, but on the contrary, emphasize its natural texture - this is best handled by the paint.
Many homeowners install a gable roof on top of the fence - it serves not only as a decorative element, but also as a protection against rain and snow, which in time can damage the quality of the fence.
You can decorate not only the croaker itself, but also poles - you can paint them or wrap them on a decorative strip - it will significantly improve the appearance of the whole building.
If the supports are metal, you can decorate them with a stone - this material looks expensive, and will give your fence elegance and beauty.
If you are in doubt, is it worth to put a fence out of a croaker, given its unattractive appearance - do not worry, with the help of decor, even such a simple at first glance structure, you can turn into a real masterpiece.
Use the photo to select ideas for finishing your own fence.
This type of fence is suitable not only for cottages, but also for a country house, becauseit has quite tangible benefits over another type of wood.
For example, the structure of the slab will serve as a much better protection against wind, dust and noise.it will turn out to be much more massive than from other types of wood.
If you like the Old Russian style, the croaker is best suited for building a fence with a similar design - it not only looks unusual, but is considered the most environmentally friendly material, becauseis made of natural untreated wood.
As you can see, there are many reasons to make a fence from this material, there are different options for its installation, and it has practically no cons.
So if you like what the structure looks like from a croaker, do not deny yourself the pleasure of getting the same on your site.