Features of the construction of the bath in the country depends on the material from which it is built.
It can be a brick, a tree, a cant.
Each material has its own properties, which depends on what type of foundation is required, what dates of erection will be, what thermal insulation needs to be done.
If you want to get more information about the features of building different types of baths, look at the site poparimsya.com.
- BATH bath
- Wooden bath
- Skeleton sauna
- Buildings from a timber
- Bath complex from a cinder block
Bath from a brick
The least dangerous type of fire is considered to be a building made of bricks. The sauna made of bricks withstands constant loads and has a long service life.
Of the disadvantages - high thermal conductivity, resulting in more time spent on heating the steam room.
To reduce the thermal conductivity of the walls of the brick inside the built bath, you can use a thick layer of thermal insulation between the brick and the cladding.
Which cladding should I use? Ideal option will be a lining, against which the bath accessories look good.
A foundation for building a brick is required if the floor does not have a bearing capacity. To fill the foundation in the ground, a trench with a depth of at least 0.3 m and a width of 0.25 m is excavated.
The ligation of the bricks can be performed by one of the following systems:
- single-row - the masonry produces a durable but more labor-intensive,
- 3-row -pillars and narrow piers,
- multitrack - allows more efficient use of bricks.
At the dacha for a brick bath it is better to use a lightweight masonry of 0.4 m. For insulation, the gap between the walls is filled with a mixture of light slag, sawdust and lime.
In addition, it is possible to attach tile insulation from the inside of the bath, leaving an air gap between them.
The walls of a bath, built of bricks, should not come in contact with the ground, otherwise they will become saturated with moisture.
To do this, you need to arrange a waterproofing: smearing with bituminous mastic or gluing a roll-type material.
For plaster walls of brick, a solution consisting of cement and lime, with impregnations of a light aggregate material( pumice, fine slag, expanded clay) is used.
Wooden bath
The tree keeps the heat well in the steam room and belongs to environmentally friendly materials.
In a wooden bathhouse you can create the conditions of a traditional Russian steam room or a dry Finnish sauna, for which different furnaces and bath accessories are used.
In construction, a winter forest of coniferous species( spruce, pine) is used. The disadvantage of buildings made of wood is the need for forced downtime during the year, as during this period the log cabin sags due to the natural shrinkage of the log material.
A more fireproof option for erecting a sauna from a tree in a dacha is a separate building, that is, located at a certain distance from the house.
The foundation for the frame can be selected pile, belt or columnar. The last option is better than others. It consists of concrete piles, which are installed in the ground to a depth of 1.5 m.
The interior trim of a wooden bath is made of moisture resistant rocks with low thermal conductivity. It can be alder, poplar or aspen.
Floors are also better made of wood. Whatever type they are, it is recommended to dry them once a year in the sun( as well as accessories for the bath), for which the floors are made folding.
A good alternative to log cabins is a structure made of wooden bricks.
Construction technology includes the laying in the cement mortar of wood chippings( similar to bricks).
This option will be more fireproof than the traditional log house made of wood. In addition, the technology makes it possible to erect a tent-type bathhouse of various sizes in the country.
Skeleton sauna
If the building on the dacha needs to be erected quickly, then you can choose a skeleton bath. It does not require the presence of a solid foundation and the development of drawings, and at a price will be cheaper.
The frame structure does not shrink, therefore right after the erection it is possible to start finishing it. However, moisture accumulates inside the frame, so you need to take care of good insulation.
The most suitable foundation is columnar, which is made of asbestos-cement pipes filled with concrete.
Any rock with a low thermal conductivity( linden, larch, with the exception of birch) can serve as the material for erecting the frame structure. The main condition is that the wood should be dried.
To make a skeleton bath in the country of a medicinal, aspen can be used for interior decoration.
Mineral wool or fiberglass is usually used to insulate the frame structure.
Outside the boards are covered with an antiseptic, and inside they are ground and processed with special impregnations( steam room, sink) or furniture varnish( dressing room, rest room).
To save the bath from the effects of moisture, you need to take care of the vapor barrier. Use can be a vapor barrier film or parchment. The mentioned materials are placed after the insulation, but before the inner covering.
Buildings from the
beam A stronger and more reliable than the frame construction is a bath of timber( profiled, glued, conventional).
The brass bath can be installed directly on the foundation, without fitting it on the ground. The peculiarity of this material is that it holds well the heat and almost does not shrink, the finishing works and the final improvement of the baths at the dacha are made six months after the construction of the log house.
On what features of the beam, regardless of its size, you need to pay attention to the construction of the bath:
- if the knots are too many, then the material is better not to use;
- crack is not allowed, occupying more than half the width;
- the surface of the timber should be smooth and without defects;
- should not contain insects;
- bluish shade of the bar indicates incorrect storage conditions, resulting in infection with fungus.
If, after buying the beam, nevertheless, unfit for building construction, they can be used for the finishing elements of the bath or make accessories from them.
Blanks affected by mold are not used in any form, it is better to abandon them completely.
To protect the bath from the bar from moisture under the lower rims, 2 layers of waterproofing materials are laid.
For this, a melted asphalt is poured on top of the foundation, onto which the ruberoid is deposited. After the first layer has dried, the process is repeated.
Thermal insulation of the frame from the beam is done by laying on each jute, moss or pack.
Bath complex from slagblock
Unlike the bath, built of wood, the structure of the blocks is not afraid of the fungus. In addition, it is characterized by high levels of fire safety and thermal insulation.
The process of making blocks is quite simple, so often developers at the dacha produce it themselves, and the resulting products, if required, can be of a non-standard size.
Slagblock is one of the types of silica brick, in the composition of which, instead of quartz sand, slag enters. Due to the porosity of the slag, the walls from the blocks receive good thermal insulation properties, and the building material itself - light weight.
Thanks to the lightness of the blocks, a lightweight foundation type can be laid: belt or columnar.
However, the porosity of the blocks entails the appearance of such a disadvantage as active absorption of moisture, so they should be located at a remote distance from the ground.
For the protection of blocks, it is required to erect a foundation with a height of more than 0.5 m above the ground surface and lay a waterproofing layer.
It is also better to carefully insulate the bath from the blocks and protect them from the influence of steam. As a heater, it is best to use mineral wool, foam, basalt plates, and apply foil on top.
For good sealing of joints in the construction of a bath of blocks, a membrane is used with a permeable cover only on one side.
The erection of the building from the blocks is completed with the installation of ventilated facades, for which moisture-resistant materials are used. The exterior parts of the bath walls also need thermal insulation, which is carried out before the cladding works.