It would seem that the question: how to lay linoleum on a wooden floor, should not arise at all, because it can be simpler to put the material on the floor.
In fact, in order for the repair to look complete, so that the works are not wasted, and the material packed in the near future did not have to be changed, one should immediately take into account some features and do everything right.
Linoleum is one of the most common types of flooring.
First, it is explained by the financial component.
Secondly, the simplicity of laying: you can lay linoleum yourself, without recourse to specialists.
Third, this is an additional floor insulation, not fond of cleaning.
- Contents of the linoleum
- Preparatory stage
- Dimensions of the material
- Linoleum laying methods
- Substrate requirement
Linoleum varieties
It should also be noted that it will be correct to lay the linoleum with one liner, that is, its width should be equal to the width of the room to exclude the formation of joints.
Of course, you can lay another principle, but the joints need to be fastened carefully, so as not to disturb the aesthetics of the coating.
There are several varieties of linoleum:
- Polyvinyl chloride material consists of four layers, the manufacturing technology involves the creation of a foam foundation. This coating has good sound and heat insulation properties;
- Fabric - is a durable and very ductile material;
- Colloxylin - in addition to its flexibility is characterized by a special luster;
- Alkyd material can crack over time, while it remains very durable;
- Non-basic - withstands mechanical loads, the floor structure becomes homogeneous;
- Natural linoleum can be used in any room, in any room. Absolutely harmless, but short-lived.
How to choose the material, see the video.
When buying linoleum, it will be right to firstly look at all its characteristics, material of manufacture.
Take it better with a small margin( minimum 7 cm), to create a lasting coating, the minimum thickness should not be less than 3 mm.
Preparatory stage
Laying of linoleum on the wooden floor begins with the preparation of the base. The floor covering under consideration is characterized by its flexibility, so in time it takes the form of a base.
If the base is uneven, the aesthetics of the floor are generally broken. Therefore, first of all, you need to start revision of the wooden floor.
Preparation begins with the detection of all defects: the presence of rotten and creaking boards is checked, cracks, dents, clearances between boards, etc. are revealed.
If there is any of the above defects, then you will have to work a little and level the surface.
The old floor covering will need to be removed if the floor has been painted, therefore, remove the paint. This can be done with a spatula and a construction hair dryer.
The attachment must be firm, and the heads of the nails or screws are slightly recessed. This is done so that the surface of the linoleum is not damaged during operation.
Preparation also implies the need for fastening creaking floorboards. Mount it with nails or self-tapping screws.
If the floorboards continue to creak, then the problem areas( not the entire floor) need to be opened and replaced with new ones.
All cracks, gaps and cracks are treated with mastic. The preparation is completed by leveling the surface.
You can even out the base with a grinder, or you can use a plane. Alignment is completed by cleaning the surface of debris.
The most qualitatively level the floor with your own hands, you can use plywood. This material must be glued to a special adhesive for parquet or for conventional PVA.
If you add a bit of building gypsum in the glue, this will help make it more viscous and provide better adhesion of the plywood to the surface.
Plywood can additionally be fastened with nails( preferably self-tapping screws, to further exclude creaking of the floor), whose hats are heated a few millimeters.
The plywood is laid in such a way that there are not four sheets at the joint, they should be slightly shifted.
Thus, a more reliable fixing of the plywood to the floor is ensured, and a gap of 2-3 mm( thermal seam) should remain between the sheets.
After the plywood has been laid, it is necessary to make the alignment: the joints are ground, the crevices are shpaklyuyutsya, all the generated debris is removed.
The use of plywood makes it possible to achieve a more reliable base, creates additional noise and heat insulation, and later on in the process of using linoleum, plywood will not allow to perforate the decorative floor covering, helps to create aesthetics of the floor.
Preparation of the base on this is completed, you can start laying the flooring itself.
Material dimensions
As mentioned above, it is desirable that the width of the room and linoleum match to avoid the need for docking. For this, it is necessary to make correct measurements of the room.
Immediately it should be noted that you need to take linoleum according to the maximum dimensions of the room, the width of which is the longest wall. What is the maximum size?
For example, on one side of the wall there is a recess for the battery, on the other - a doorway, so these measurements made by oneself are necessarily taken into account.
The material is bought from the calculation that the size( length) of the room is added to the size of these depressions, as well as a small stock( 7 cm) in case you have to level the linoleum on the walls.
The stock is made from both sides, that is, both in length and width.
The walls are very rarely found even, so you have to do the alignment yourself.
It is not necessary to trim the floor covering in advance, if you remove the missing difference by applying linoleum flaps, then the whole appearance, as well as the strength of the coating, deteriorates.
If there is no possibility to lay a linoleum in one piece, it is necessary to select the dimensions so that the docking of the strips is in the center.
In addition to the usual allowances along the edges, it will be necessary to make a stock of material in order to align the pattern.
Bought linoleum stack immediately is not recommended. He should stand in the room for about two hours in order to "get used to" the temperature.
The flooring can shrink, change slightly in size, this is also a good reason for purchasing material with allowances.
Linoleum must be spread on the floor to even it. It will be better if you leave it in this form for a day or two. These actions are necessary to ensure a more snug fit to the base.
Methods of laying linoleum
At the moment, there are several ways how to put linoleum:
- The material can be laid without using glue. This method is the simplest. The technology lies in the fact that the linoleum spread out on the floor expands in a few days, after which it must be fixed around the perimeter of the room with skirting boards. Put linoleum in a corner without the formation of bubbles can be, slightly cutting it. The simplicity of this method does not determine the strength of the floor covering. The flooring without the use of glue is used in small rooms, also this method does not guarantee a smooth floor covering;
- Flooring with double-sided adhesive tape. The technology is as follows: first glue the adhesive tape all around the perimeter to the wooden floor, then lay linoleum. Once again, carefully try on, after which, for convenience, we fold the roll to the middle, tear off the protective layer of the tape and, unbending the roll, glue it to the base. This is done carefully so that no folds or bubbles form. It must also be ensured that no debris gets under the cover itself. When the canvas is glued, then all surpluses are cut off, skirting boards are installed;
- Flooring with glue is the most durable method of fixing linoleum to the base. This technology is preferable for large rooms. First, the linoleum needs to be put on the floor to ensure its alignment, for a more snug fit in the corners of the room, the material is cut slightly. We glue linoleum parts. First, bend the first half of the canvas and apply glue on the base with a roller or brush. We wait for a certain time( about 20 minutes).After that, you need to put linoleum on the base, align it with your hands, and then proceed to gluing the next part of the canvas.
The procedure of gluing the surplus material and installing skirting boards ends, at the junction with another room( in the doorway), you can additionally mount the rail-threshold.
If you have to use a two-lane version of the material laying, then you need to provide a beautiful and reliable junction of the cloths. The easiest way is to achieve this by lapping( 10 cm).
One sheet needs to be bent and glued to the base, the same actions are repeated with the second cloth. In the place where two layers are formed, using a ruler and a knife, both layers must be cut off.
In this way, an inconspicuous joint of two material webs is created, which is processed by cold welding.
The process of laying linoleum can be viewed on video.
Substrate requirement
Linoleum liner is necessary in cases of additional sound insulation if plywood is not used to create a more even coating if an additional floor warmer is needed.
The wooden floor is a good thermal insulator, so an additional insulation is not required for it.
As already mentioned, the substrate can smooth the unevenness of the base, if there is no time or opportunity to make a high-quality floor leveling.
Substrate can be of several types:
- Jute substrate has the ability to absorb excessive moisture, so it can be used in appropriate rooms. Such a substrate provides resistance to decay, the occurrence of mold, as well as to burning;
- Cork pad is a good option for rooms without heavy furniture. Such a substrate, in comparison with others, is the least durable material, but acts as an additional heater;
- Linen substrate will be an excellent option as a prevention of mold and fungus;
- The combined substrate, consisting of wool, jute and flax, has good density, but over time it loses its qualities.
Today you can buy linoleum with a substrate adhered to it, which will greatly simplify the installation of the material.
Substrate can act as a heater, and as a soundproofing, which is important for creating home comfort.