Protection against moisture drainage device for the foundation

Protection against moisture drainage device for the foundation

Foundation drainage is necessary to protect the house from penetration of moisture into it, basements or basement floors.

It is best to make the drainage of the foundation even during the construction phase of the house, becausein any case it will be necessary.

You may have waterproofing in the area, but it is not likely to cope with complete water protection alone.

Drainage near the house is necessary if:

  • in your house there will be a basement or a basement;
  • the determination of the soil in the construction site of your house is enhanced;
  • for buildings in clay soils;
  • if an electrical system has been installed in the basement, which can not be penetrated by moisture.

The foundation drainage device is a rather expensive procedure if you order it from specialists, however it is not so difficult to not make it yourself.

Homemade drainage will comply with SNiP as well as custom made drainage.

In the article you will learn all the stages of laying drainage around a private house, and photos and videos will help you to cope with work more qualitatively.


  • Types and construction of drainage systems
  • Foundation preparation and installation of the
  • System


Types and structure of drainage systems

The foundation drainage scheme is a connected pipe that surrounds the house around the perimeter so that the system is closed. They are laid at an angle so that the water can flow freely.

When creating a system, you must adhere to the norms of SNiP.In SNiP, you can find out all the conditions for a proper drainage system by yourself.

Each of the corners of the drainage system should be equipped with a reservoir for collecting water or, more simply, a well. All the excess water will accumulate there.

You can also do it yourself with no problems, or you can buy it ready.

From the wells there are also pipes that drain water further so that it is out of the site.

You can do the drainage in many ways, and it depends on how the system scheme will look.

Examples you can see in the photo.


In addition to drainage, a waterproofing of the foundation of the house should be carried out - this will strengthen the protection against water ingress into the system.

The most commonly used scheme is this: pipes with an angle of inclination of 5-8 degrees are laid around the building.

Drains are stacked around the perimeter of the site so that the entire building, from the top to the bottom point, is wrapped around.

The main drainage well at this type of system is one, and it is located at the very end of the system.

It also mounts a pump.

In order for the foundation ring drainage to function, pipes should be selected with rigidity from SN6, if they are smaller, they will quickly deteriorate and the drainage will not work.

Additional reservoir wells are installed at each corner in 90 degrees - they prevent the system from flooding with water, and collect sludge.

A fairly popular type of system is a wall drainage foundation. It can be located either on the surface or mounted in the ground.

Wall-mounted drainage

Surface drainage is a system of drainage systems that help to remove water from the roof and to withdraw, outside the site, as well as with other types of drainage.

Deep drainage serves as protection from moisture penetration into the foundation and lower floors of the house.

However, whatever type of device you choose, first of all, you will have to start building the house.

For drainage to work qualitatively, it will need cleaning and thorough waterproofing.

Foundation preparation and installation of the

system If your foundation has already been waterproofed during laying, it must be removed. To do this, dig out the base and remove the deformed remains of the waterproofing layer.

After this, the foundation must be dried.

If your region is warm enough, you can wait until it dries out on its own in the sun( usually it takes about 2 days).If not - you can dry it yourself with the help of a heat gun.

Next comes a new waterproofing. Waterproofing, like drainage, differ in type for each type of foundation.

It can be omazochnoy, penetrating, pasting or polyethylene.

The most economical waterproofing - with bitumen mastic( pasting method).

Before applying a layer of waterproofing with your own hands, the corners of the house need to be rounded and then make a protective system against possible damage to the waterproofing layer.

A more expensive option is waterproofing with a roll material, usually a roofing material.

It's a bit harder to make it with your hands, and it will be more expensive, but this waterproofing will be much more moisture resistant, and the likelihood of leaks will be much lower.

Protection for such waterproofing is not required. This waterproofing is applied to the foundation, pre-treated with bitumen mastic.

Ruberoid must be overlapped by 10-20 cm and fastened in two layers.

See a video about how to properly make a waterproofing foundation.


After the waterproofing is done, it is possible to start draining. For different types of foundation laying will be carried out in different ways.

So, to make drainage for a shallow foundation is best during the construction phase of the house.

Pipes should be placed along the entire perimeter of the house from the outside.

The depth of the trench for this type of system should not exceed the depth of the foundation base. In the corners of the system should be located reservoirs for collecting water.

For a solid( solid) foundation it is also better to make this system during construction.

The complexity of the slab foundation is that the slabs from which it is made move because of the motions of the ground, which provokes movement of the building itself.

Drainage at the stage of laying a plate foundation will help prevent this and make the foundation of the house truly sustainable.

The drainage system for this type of foundation is laid around the house in specially dug trenches, the spacing of which from the basement should be no less than 3 meters, according to SNIP.

The bottom of the trench is laid out by brick fighting, and then covered with geotextiles - this is waterproofing. For this drainage system, water outlets are also necessary.

Drainage of the tape foundation is almost the same. The ditches are excavated along the entire perimeter around the building so that they are deeper than the foundation itself.

The bottom is also laid out with a brick. For this system, you need to make an overlap to strengthen the base - you can use ordinary branches for this.

Then follows the installation of the system itself - pipes and drainage pits.

Drainage system

To make a drainage system with your own hands, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • pipe( best of polypropylene).Such pipes are sold complete with everything necessary, so the most important thing is to choose the correct rigidity. It depends on the soil and groundwater, so before installing the system you need to know in advance the composition of the soil, as well as the rigidity of groundwater;
  • brick or rubble;
  • river sand;
  • barrel, from which an absorption well and several rotary wells will be made;
  • pipe clamps;
  • geotexil for waterproofing.

Before starting work, look at the photos and videos of drainage instructions of different types of foundation.


Stages of operation

The installation of drainage around the building consists of several stages.

First of all, you need to make a ditch.

It digs at a slope of 5-8 degrees from the top point. The width of the ditch depends on the pipes, but should exceed them by at least 20 cm - this area after the installation of the system will need to fall asleep with rubble.

Do not forget that in the corners of the system around the house you will need to make inspection wells, so in these places the ditches should be somewhat wider than the rest of the length.

At the bottom of the ditch, sand should be covered with a layer of 20-30 cm, and then rammed at the same angle as you provided for draining the water.

On top of the sand cushion you need to lay geotextile - its size should allow it to be fixed to the edge of the moat.

Geotextiles need to fill rubble or crushed brick so that the layer is 10-20 cm thick and completely covers the material.

Now it is possible to install drainage under the foundation. At the turns of the pipes it is necessary to make bends for the wells.

They are made of PVC pipes and are connected to the system using a hole that needs to be made independently.

Secure the pipes with special copper clamps.

When the drainage device is ready, the main water drainage well is installed at the end. The pit of the well is covered with geotextiles, and a barrel with drilled side walls is installed from above.

Pipe laying

At the bottom you need to fall asleep rubble or broken brick.

The entire system must be installed in such a way as to close around the well and be brought to this point. The last pipe should be adjacent to the barrel closely.

Above the structure is covered with brick or rubble and is covered with geotextile overlap.

Put the branches on top - they will create additional protection. They need to be covered with sand again, and then covered with soil.

The pump must be inserted into the barrel in order to remove excess water from there.

This is the drainage of the foundation of the house. Making it yourself is not so difficult. Use photo and video instructions at every stage of the work to make things right.

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