If the house has two or more floors, then it becomes urgent to erect a metal staircase to the second floor with your own hands.
Despite the fact that the stairs can be made of a wide variety of materials, for example, wood or concrete, it is metal that is considered the most optimal solution.
As you know, metal has a number of technological properties that have long been successfully used by mankind.
Metal staircases can have a variety of designs, despite the fact that their strength and reliability will always be at the highest level.
In addition, the appearance of such products is attractive enough and original, they simply fit into the ready-made interior both inside the house and outside.
Both street and internal ladders made of metal are assembled in the same way using the same technological methods, but they have some differences, which should be paid attention when not only the design is made, but also the production is done by oneself.
Manufactured external staircases leading to the second floor, in some versions can be seen in the photos that are placed below.
- Main characteristics
- Types and types
- Mandatory calculations
- Production order
General characteristics
Any staircase leading to the second floor, both street and interior, made from a wide variety of materials, have the same structuralfeatures.
In addition, they have the same requirements in terms of reliability and safety.
It should be noted that the corresponding project and drawing is drawn up, based on the same standards and principles.
So, the staircase leading to the second floor in a private building should have a width of at least nine hundred millimeters.
In addition, all its marches must have an equal and constant amount of slope throughout the structure.
The recommended height of each step, which should be laid in the project, is about one hundred and sixty millimeters.
In turn, the recommended depth of each step should be in the range of two hundred and seventy millimeters.
There are certain requirements and to the enclosures of stairs leading to the second floor.
Both external and internal enclosing structures must be designed for a load of at least a hundred kilograms.
There are certain normative indices for the distance between the racks of the enclosures of the stairs.
So, if there are children in the house, then this distance should be within one hundred and twenty millimeters, otherwise this figure can be increased to one hundred and fifty millimeters.
All these recommended requirements are designed for both wooden and concrete structures, as well as for metal structures.
In any case, the design of the staircase leading to the second floor of the house must necessarily take into account all the above recommendations and comply with safety standards.
In order to assemble a metal ladder with your own hands, it is necessary to have a competent project on hand and take into account relevant safety recommendations when carrying out work.
Some interesting variants of internal metal staircases leading to the second floor, which you can assemble yourself, are shown in the photo below.
Types and types of
Metal ladder is a reliable construction, which, if observed in accordance with manufacturing technology and generally accepted rules, will be safe in its subsequent operation.
According to the manufacturing method, they can be divided into welded and forged structures. Also such products differ in a constructive way.
The most popular and often occurring type of construction are metal staircases on the Kosovars.
In this case, a special support is provided, located directly below the steps, which is called a Kosower.
Such products are capable of withstanding rather serious loads, although they have a light and airy appearance.
In addition, very often there are stairs on the strings, when the main support is in the side of the steps, as well as on the bolts.
In this particular case, the steps are fastened with special bolts directly to the base of the wall.
The most original design and interesting appearance are spiral staircases made of metal.
In this case, the main bearing element is a special support post that is located at the center of the entire structure.
Screw metal stairs in most cases are placed in the interior of the house, as they can become a real decoration for every home.
The photo below shows the metal screw structures, which, if properly handled, can be assembled by hand.
There are also marching structures made of metal, which can consist of several separate spans and can be both direct and rotary.
It's the easiest way to build a ladder from metal, which will have a single-march design.
It should be noted that for any type of metal ladder leading to the second floor, first of all, it will be necessary to prepare the corresponding project, as well as to purchase all the necessary material and tools.
Mandatory calculations for
At large enterprises that professionally manufacture the most different types and designs of metal ladders, special computer programs are used to perform all necessary calculations.
Such programs allow you to quickly change a variety of parameters and almost instantly receive a finished project.
In the event that the manufacture of the metal ladder is planned by hand, all necessary calculations and drafting will have to be done manually.
To begin with, all safety requirements for such structures should be studied. Next, you need to make measurements at the location of the installation of the future staircase.
For example, for the easiest single-staircase ladder, you need to measure the distance in the house directly from the bottom of the floor to the point where it will go to the second floor.
Taking into account the recommended tilt angle, this way you can get the length of the future design.
After you know the length of the stairwell, you should calculate approximately the optimal number of steps.
For this, the recommended parameters of each stage are taken and are divided by the total length of the ladder itself.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the overhang, which will be in the upper part of the staircase itself.
After carrying out all the necessary measurements and calculations it will be possible to proceed to the design of the project itself, as well as the execution of the drawing, indicating all the required parameters and dimensions.
Also, when designing the project, it is necessary to take into account the expected load on each element of the ladder, carefully consider the options for securing its components and take into account the characteristics of the materials.
In the photo below you can see a simple single-piece metal ladder, which is easy to assemble by yourself.
The order of manufacturing
After the project is completely ready, it will be necessary to purchase all necessary material and prepare the required tool for operation.
When assembling a metal structure with your own hands, you must follow a certain sequence.
To begin with, it will be necessary to cut all blanks according to the project dimensions. Further it is recommended to collect the filly, which will be attached to the metal frame and keep the steps.
After this, welding of the main support corners and direct mounting of the struts is performed.
Special attention should be paid to the assembly of the main elements of the structure, namely welding of steps and fencing.
At the final stage, grinding of welded joints, as well as priming and painting of a metal ladder.
If these are external structures, then to protect them from external influences, they must additionally be coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
The order of work and the principle of assembly is the same for both external and internal structures and must be carried out in a strictly established sequence.
When manufacturing the main stages of fastening by yourself, it is important not to allow any distortions and inaccuracies, as this can lead to deformation of the finished product.
All filly must be exactly the same and mirror each other. It is best to make these elements from a metal corner.
To give the finished product the maximum strength and rigidity, it will need to be further strengthened by welding the metal kerchiefs at the bottom of each step.
When performing work, it is necessary to monitor not only the smoothness of the entire structure, but also the observance of a clear geometry of each element separately.
You can fasten the steps to the body either by welding or bolting. In any case, the connection must be as strong and rigid as possible.
In addition, you can decorate the stairs located in the house. To do this, you can use a variety of materials, from wood to ceramic tiles.
In the photo below you can see a metal staircase leading to the second floor with wooden steps that make it even more original.
For a private house on several floors, the metal structure of the staircase is the best option.
In addition to its high strength characteristics, it also has an excellent appearance.
With the right approach to the case and the availability of all the material necessary for work, it can be assembled by yourself.