Waterproofing the cellar from the inside with your own hands

Waterproofing the cellar from the inside with your own hands

The underground part of any structures requires serious protection against moisture penetration. Waterproofing the cellar from the inside is a compulsory work that needs to be done.

Moisture always has destructive effects on the foundations of buildings and leads to premature failure of the structure.

If the question is how to protect underground structures from water, then the answer can only be the correct performance of work, observing the technology of applying the material.

A popular kind of protection of the cellars from moisture is the waterproofing, which is called vertical - this is the covering of walls with the help of special compounds.

However, most experts recommend the creation of a drainage system for draining water and make a horizontal waterproofing.

Waterproofing of the cellar with their own hands is carried out when carrying out such work:

  • The device of the first layer on the upper mark of the structures so that the waterproofing goes 15 cm to the finished waterproofing of the floor;
  • The location of the second layer is 30 cm above the overlap. In the event that the overlap will be lower from the location of the second layer, it will be necessary to apply a third layer.

A simple and inexpensive version of the vertical type of waterproofing is the coating of wall surfaces with an insulating paint.

The advantage of this kind of insulation is the reliable filling of all seams.


If the surface is wet, then it is possible to apply the bitumen emulsion directly to the embroidered seams.

The material can also be applied to the wet plaster, but in this case it is necessary to apply the liquid composition as a primer.

After that, a thicker layer is applied, which can be several.


  • Which material for waterproofing to choose?
    • Waterproofing with liquid glass
    • We use "Penetron" for waterproofing
  • We begin the waterproofing in the basement
    • Injection waterproofing
    • Penetrating waterproofing
    • Determine the cause of moisture

Which material for the waterproofing to choose?

The choice of materials should be approached seriously. The optimal variant of internal protection is the lining of walls with the help of two slate layers, which are glued together with bitumen lubricant.

Popular materials for the waterproofing of the cellar from the inside are a certain assortment:

  1. Roll waterproofing building material. It is applied easily. This is the simplest way to create a multi-layered protective coating;
  2. Liquid waterproofing material that protects the surface. He is treated with pores and a large number of microcracks;
  3. Insulation, which is based on special clay;
  4. Metal sheets;
  5. Cementing compound;
  6. Penetrating waterproofing.

Recently, aqueous solutions of sodium silicate have proved to be quite good.

Often, instead of sodium, calcium is used, in which a certain amount of quartz sand, or ordinary soda, is added.


After this, this mixture is fired, and the glass that has turned out is liable to crushing and dissolving in water.

Waterproofing with liquid glass

Waterproofing of the cellar from the inside with liquid glass repeats the technology by which the concrete structures are silicated.

The insulation of buildings from moisture with the help of liquid glass acts similarly to a penetrating kind of insulation.

This is an effective form that is applied outside or inside. Due to the fact that liquid glass is used, with which the waterproofing of the basements of basements, walls and concrete floors is carried out.

As for the life of the waterproofing, the liquid glass can last longer than the building itself.

A large number of chemicals that are in the composition of liquid glass contribute to the appearance within the building materials of certain crystals.

They fill many cracks and small pores.

Waterproofing with liquid glass

The crystal structure of a material such as liquid glass has a huge air permeability and a high water repellent effect, providing protection for a long time.

Waterproofing any underground structure with liquid glass is the best way to protect it.

We use Penetron for waterproofing

The remedy for moisture in deep rooms is a material called Penetron.

It is one of the most practical materials, where quality and level of value are observed.

The Penetron system is the most reliable protection of building structures from water, its lifetime is equal to the service life of concrete.

With the Penetron system it is possible to make waterproofing of basements made of concrete, or from various concrete blocks, whose mark is not lower than M 200.

Often waterproofing is done with further application of the plaster layer.


With this system it is possible to isolate concrete and joints. Also, a pressure leak is easily removed.

We begin the waterproofing in the basement

The internal waterproofing of the cellar with our own hands will help to avoid the various unpredictable consequences that are associated with the accumulation of moisture inside the premises.

Atmospheric influence is usually associated with a different type of fungus.

Selection of materials for the application of waterproofing layers:

  • Bituminous mastics, which play the role of special membranes on walls, are not subject to deformation and reliably protect the surface from moisture;
  • "Penetron" - ideal for concrete and reinforced concrete structures, it penetrates deep into the structure of the material, providing reliable protection against moisture penetration;
  • Liquid rubber is a waterproofing coating type. Such material can easily be put with your own forces on wet or damp surfaces.

Injection waterproofing

Injection waterproofing of the cellar from the inside is done in accordance with the composition of the polymers. This is a new technology, it proved to be good in practice and is considered one of the best.

Injection insulation is applied in cases where penetrating waterproofing does not eliminate the problem. This method is used when the material is injected under pressure.

The complexity of the method is simple, but you can not do without an additional survey. The material that is used with this method is polyurethane.

Waterproofing scheme

It does not break down under heavy loads, it is plastic enough. Polyurethane polymer refers to the economic composition.

As a result of its contact with water - the volume can increase by about ten times.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing of the cellar from the inside is used when it is necessary to protect the surface of a prefabricated, monolithic( concrete) or reinforced concrete room.

With this type of materials, water resistance, strength, frost resistance of concrete increases.

They easily protect the construction from the action of any corrosive environment: acids, alkalis, groundwater( river, sea) water.

Penetrating waterproofing is used for a surface that has a certain number of pores and cracks, the opening width of which is approximately 0.4 mm or more.

This type of insulation is not suitable for liquid pressure leakage.

Basically, the waterproofing of cellars do, as a rule, in off-season periods. It is in spring or autumn that the water rises to the maximum mark.

The owners of the cellars are trying to do everything to prevent an unpleasant surprise.

Determine the cause of moisture

Basement waterproofing from the groundwater always begins with the determination of the cause of moisture.

The main cause of dampness in basements is the lack of a waterproofing layer or its incorrect installation.


Waterproofing of the cellar walls from the inside is a very important part of the work. Polymer membrane waterproofing mixture from the inside should be carried out after removal of dust or dirt, fungal deposits.

After drying the mixture, its layer can not pass water inside. Treatment with such formulations is carried out quickly, and the results will exceed all expectations.

Waterproofing of joints in basements is carried out with high speed, if membrane composition is used. In this case, a homogeneous membrane with complete adhesion to the surfaces is obtained.

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