Build days

12 tips for choosing a New Year's garland
12 tips for choosing a New Year's garland
Feb 10, 2018

New Year is a favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. To create a New Year's atmosphere, we decorate our home every time, tu...

Finishing the loggia with your own hands
Finishing the loggia with your own hands
Feb 10, 2018

Loggia is a small room, which, if desired, you can turn into the most cozy place to relax in your home. The main thing is to show imaginat...

Interior of a small room
Interior of a small room
Feb 10, 2018

In many small apartments, and especially in the Khrushchevka, special requirements are imposed on the interior of a small room: it must vi...

Calculator for calculating the volume of logs
Calculator for calculating the volume of logs
Feb 10, 2018

Log house according to your size Length, m: 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5...

We make a Bubafoni oven with our own hands - a step-by-step technique
We make a Bubafoni oven with our own hands - a step-by-step technique
Feb 10, 2018

To heat a small room, such as a garage, cottage or a hive with the onset of cold weather, it is possible to purchase an expensive heater, powered...

Underfloor heating under the laminate
Underfloor heating under the laminate
Feb 10, 2018

The warm floor under the laminate will make this coating not only modern and beautiful, but also functional: you can create a comfortable microcl...

Feb 10, 2018

Bituline( Bituline) - a high-performance roof covering a new generation. Innovative technology of material production allows to resist its...

Kitchen accessories
Kitchen accessories
Feb 10, 2018

What is the most cozy, the most family place in the house, with a unique energy, and collecting the whole family together? Sure, this is the kitc...

Calculation of the pump's well power
Calculation of the pump's well power
Feb 10, 2018

Contents of 1 How to choose a deep well pump? 1.1 Self-calculation of pump power 2 Tips for pump specialists ...

The foundation on bored piles is a promising direction in construction
The foundation on bored piles is a promising direction in construction
Feb 10, 2018

Bored pile foundations - what is it? The work excludes the negative "satellites" of technologies for the construction of supports by cl...