The foundation on bored piles is a promising direction in construction

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Bored pile foundations - what is it?

The work excludes the negative "satellites" of technologies for the construction of supports by clogging and immersing the pile structures with vibration. The drilling method is a borehole drilled in the ground. As a rule, all possible reinforcing metal frame structures can be lowered in them, concrete, cement mortars, polymer mixtures, etc. can be pumped directly( or through concrete pipes).

At the same time, the nature of soils is taken into account during drilling. The use of special casing pipes allows the creation of supports, both in dense soils and in the sands of quicksand with aquifer layers. In addition, a similar type of pile structure is applicable for high loads( vertical and horizontal) in a small area with complex geological conditions( for example, a slope with the threat of landslides).

During drilling, it is possible to use only augers for penetration or casing sectional pipes with special cutting tips. As already mentioned, this is determined by the types of soils, since the construction of such supports can be carried out on all possible types, excluding, perhaps, only rock monoliths.

Complex geology does not interfere with the creation of these piles for any purpose. Their use is also advisable when re-building old buildings, etc. As you can see, the pile foundation of bored piles is just an ideal option for construction on deep and low-compressible ground, its device does not require manufacturing, delivery and storage of factory-built supports.

There is no threat of destruction of nearby structures, virtually no noise and vibration loads. Located below the level of freezing ground, reinforced concrete pillars provide protection of foundations from any of its shifts. Taking into account that ready piles have a significant higher load capacity, such foundation support technologies are distinguished by exceptionally high productivity and short time to achieve a quality result.

The foundation on bored piles - exploration of the ground for the construction of the

The beginning of the work should be preceded by the research work to determine the properties of the soils on the site. This is necessary to determine the method of completion of wells and the type of drilling equipment used. This is especially important in the case of work near the foundations of existing buildings.

By the way, it is often enough to study their condition in parallel. In the conditions of laboratory studies, samples of materials corresponding to the studied soils are selected and provide the maximum withstand load. At the same stage, a constructive calculation is made of the necessary reinforcement of the supports, their length, the presence of broadening of the base, etc.

Only after this can begin to build bored pile foundations. In the process of performing drilling operations, there may be aquifers sand layers, for which passage and retention of groundwater pressure requires the application of excess external pressure.

For soils with strong loosening, special tamping is used. Their requirements are also observed when performing piles above the level of the aquifer( from two meters).

Pile foundation from bored piles - features of work on a private construction site

Of course, the implementation of this amount of work for construction is quite expensive. The whole complex of measures is used in full for making piles with a diameter of up to one and a half and a depth of up to forty-five meters, i.е.in the conditions of industrial construction.

In the conditions of construction in the private sector , the same principles can be used in an application to the scale and features of house building. So, with small loads and low depth of freezing, wells can be fitted with gasoline or even hand drills.

For greater strength and increased support area, the bottom of the borehole is expanded by special sliding blades for drills. And for piles, asbestos-cement pipes from one and a half meters long are quite suitable. If necessary, they are reinforced with structures made of metal reinforcement.

Concrete mortar is poured into the formwork. The height of all piles is cut to the level. As a binding element, a ribbed reinforced foundation or a solid reinforced slab of the same concrete is used.

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