Any connection of radiators should ensure maximum heat dissipation and depends on several factors. When choosing the optimal heating scheme ...
To prevent the crystallization of water entering into the concrete solution, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature of the filled ma...
Individual construction has long gained a lot of admirers not only outside of our country, and experience in this area has accumulated a lot. N...
A warm balcony is not only a small full-fledged room, but also a kind of "barrier" between the living room and the outside air. With the onset of...
When pouring a band and slab foundation one of the most important stages is knitting reinforcement. It is necessary to take into account a lot of...
Individual construction of houses made of foam concrete blocks is still considered an innovation. The construction of houses of foam blocks in th...
Ventilated facades as external finishing of buildings - this is the arrangement of a special hinged structure. Its fastening is carried out in ...
The choice of the type of foundation of any structure is determined by local conditions. To say that this construction is the most common, it is ...
The question of choosing the type of substrate for such clay soil is quite complex even for the profile specialist. There are general criteria th...
Mar 20, 2018
First of all, it should be recalled that any construction of residential or industrial buildings and structures is strictly under an agreed ...