Connection diagrams of radiators in a private house, choice of location, video

Any connection of radiators should ensure maximum heat dissipation and depends on several factors. When choosing the optimal heating scheme in a private house, it is necessary to take into account the number of radiators, the total length of the system, the method of laying pipes, etc. Therefore, for each building it is selected strictly individually. Consider the most common schemes used in private homes.

One-way connection

If radiators are connected in this way, then their heat transfer corresponds to the design norm. The lead( straight) pipe and the outflow( return) are connected to one section( one side).The straight pipe is to the top, and the back to the bottom. This helps to evenly heat all sections of the battery. This connection is recommended for batteries with a sufficiently large number of sections( up to 15), as well as in houses - skyscrapers, where all the radiators are connected in parallel.

Bottom and Seat Connection

Applicable when the heating system is designed in such a way that all pipes are "hidden" under the floor. In this scheme, both the supply and discharge pipes are connected to the lower branch pipes of the opposite sections. This method is the least effective, since heat loss can reach 15%.Naturally, according to "height" radiators heat up unevenly.


Cross-over( diagonal) connection

This way it is recommended to connect the radiators when the heating battery has a large number of sections. This method allows the heat carrier to be evenly distributed throughout the internal volume, and the maximum heat transfer of the radiator is obtained. The pipes are connected to it from different sides. In this case, the "straight" pipe is connected at the top of the battery, and the "return" tube is connected to the bottom. With this method, heat losses will not exceed 2%.

Choosing a place for installing radiators:

  • in principle, the heating battery should not only heat the room, but also create a certain protection against the penetration of cold air from the outside. That is why radiators should be placed under the windowsills. It is advisable to withstand the following distances: from the radiator to the wall of the order of 3 to 5 cm, and to the floor - about 10 cm. With such battery installation, the warm air rising up creates a certain thermal curtain;
  • the window sill should not completely cover the battery, because in this case the density of the warm flow decreases, and, consequently, its efficiency. Only if the batteries heat too much, they can be covered with some kind of screen.
 When choosing the method of connecting radiators, it is necessary to take into account the way in which the entire heating system is mounted. There are systems with forced circulation of coolant or with natural circulation.

radiator connections In the first case, water "pushes" through the system a special water pump, which is one of the elements of the circuit. In most modern boilers, such a pump is already installed under the boiler casing. If such a scheme, then you can use any method of connecting radiators.

With natural circulation of the heat carrier, the pump is not provided in the circuit. This is good when there are interruptions in power supply. Such boilers are non-volatile. Water goes through the pipes as a result of the fact that a heated column of water displaces the cold one.

However, with such a heating scheme, if the house has several floors( including a basement room), it is better to consult with a specialist. After all, in order to choose the best connection of radiators, you need to take into account all the features of laying the heating main, as well as its overall length. Also, the circuit itself can be either single-tube or double-tube. In heat engineering it is important to take into account all the nuances.

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