Types of roof tiles - choose the future roof with the mind

Choose a tile - what material to take?

Among the more modern, you can name all kinds of composites based on thermoplastic and natural components. There are tiles made of copper or its alloys, such roofing often has an anticorrosion coating with glaze, but this is a costly exotica. Choosing which shingles is better, it is worth considering that the most common are still materials from clay.

The centuries-old experience of operating a tiled roofing has proved a number of its undoubted advantages. Here both durability, and high natural ecological compatibility, and water and fire resistance. The high operational efficiency of the tiled roof is ensured by the quality of the raw material - it does not change color, is not susceptible to microbiological effects, is silent during weather, its service life is rarely less than a hundred years.

At the same time, you need to know how to put the shingles correctly. It is necessary to observe the angle of the roof( this is due to the need to ensure the flow of water).Being a fairly fragile material, the tile weighs a lot: the square of the roof area often "pulls" by fifty kilograms.

Popularity and convenience, of course, bribe, but there are several common shortcomings of roofing tiles. The first of these is the absence of a universal option, that is, if the material is light, then it is brittle, if not fragile, then expensive, if cheap - then heavy, sometimes astronomical weight category.

It is also inconvenient to require a roof slope, although now especially expensive developments allow you to cover any roof, but still the traditional angle should be at least 30 degrees, which is not always available. Some types of roofing have a special lock mechanism, which provides a slope of precipitation even on a small slope, but this will all affect the cost.

Classification of shingles

The classification of the roofing material under discussion is quite versatile, there are several criteria, so it will be more convenient to move in order, without building huge chains. First, consider the material:

  • metal( metal tile);
  • clay( all known ceramic roofing);
  • cement and sand( cement-sand);
  • bitumen( a new version - flexible tile).

Following it is reasonable to consider the shape of the petal, because from this parameter will depend on the way it is installed on the lathing, the calculation of the necessary amount of material for the purchase. So, the form:

  • flat( traditional lapping);
  • grooving( it is necessary to follow the joining of the petals with each other, and also to ensure that the crate was laid perfectly evenly);
  • wave-like( provides better overlapping when installing overlap);
  • grooved( a complex scheme of two-tier laying, but provides not only a good flow, but also ventilation).

There are many new developments that differ in the quirkiness of forms, but they are characteristic only of one type of material and are not applicable to others, most often simply because of the reluctance of manufacturers to organize new industrial lines.

Still it is possible to allocate classification on a covering of a shingles. And ceramics, and metal, and other materials still have a top layer, which protects the main material from climatic attacks, prolonging the service life. If you do not dwell on any one material, but distribute the protection levels as a whole, you will get the following set:

  • lack of protection( the most unprofitable option);
  • paint, varnish or chemical impregnation( reduce the risk of rapid deterioration and fouling of mosses and fungi);
  • hard glaze, also with additions of chemistry( protects not only from climatic adversity, but also UV rays, prolonging even more the life of your roof).

Choose the way of laying

The production of the shingles determines its shape and model. Existing technologies of production by the press method subdivide views into grooving and banding. Skate rims are produced for ridge parts. For special use: face, pediment, podkonkovye, etc. The appearance is affected not only by the shape, but also by the color of the shingles.

In form, it can be rectangular, with a rounded or triangular edge. Its design determines how to lay tiles, which laths to use on rafters, etc.

The color of the material depends on the starting clay, additives( eg chamotte), decorative coatings( glaze or engobing).Silicate tiles are usually painted with colorants that are resistant to weathering. This coloration is often carried out on the entire thickness of the layer, more rarely - superficially.

Cost - an important criterion of

Of course, the cost of ceramic tiles is higher than the materials that imitate it. In addition, laying requires a certain skill. In order for the money spent to purchase materials not to be thrown to the wind, it is necessary to take this moment into account.

Starting to build a house, it is necessary to determine in advance what roofing materials will be used, the tile in this respect( due to its weight) requires an adequate basis, starting with the foundation. Thinking about how to choose tiles, you should also decide on the materials and construction of walls, roofs( trusses, rafters, etc.), because they all have to withstand a sufficiently large coating weight for a long time, and this is without taking into account wind and other loads.

By the way, recently there have appeared many types of lightweight shingles, actively and widely used in modern construction. But this does not remove the requirements to ensure certain strength reserves of the entire structure. It should be emphasized that such a need will lead to a significant overall increase in the cost of the entire construction.

The cost of using silicate tiles is somewhat reduced. But the savings here are insignificant, becauseweighs a square of this shingles to thirty kilograms. If the additional costs are not problematic, then the tiled roof will be an excellent decoration of the house and its reliable protection for centuries.

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