Functions and types of facade insulation
Facade insulation allows to solve the following tasks:
- heat preservation indoors;
- good sound insulation;
- low heating costs;
- prevention of salt deposits on the wall, as well as mold and fungus;
- increase in the durability of the structure.
There are the following types of facade insulation:
- Insulation with lightweight plasters - includes three layers: finishing plaster, insulation material and reinforcing layer. The disadvantage of this method is the need to prepare solutions and work with them.
- Thermal insulation of the masonry - also has three layers: the wall itself, insulation and brick. When operating in a heat-insulating layer, condensation accumulates.
- Thermal insulation of ventilated facades - the design has an air gap between the facing layer and the heater. It contributes to the rapid removal of moisture when it appears in the insulation.
Preparation for use: tools, insulation,
work stages The following materials are commonly used for facade insulation: polystyrene, extruded polystyrene plate, glass wool, mineral and basalt wool. On the properties of each one can be told for a long time, it is better to refer to the articles devoted to each concrete example.
In order to make the insulation of the facades of buildings using the method of warming with light plasters, you need to purchase and prepare the following tools and building materials: glue for foam, foam plates, primer, reinforcing mesh, plinth base, dowels, umbrellas for insulation, drill,mixing nozzle, rule, scraper, roller, spatula.
So, before you begin the insulation of the facade with polyurethane foam or foam, prepare the wall. For this, it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from it, and to remove essential irregularities with the help of putty. After this, apply a primer and allow it to dry. If the surface has an increased absorbency, then progruntuyte it again. Now the plinth is fixed to the junction of the wall and the plinth.
It will support the bottom of the foam. For this, holes are drilled in the wall, and the bar is fixed with dowels. The main thing is to control its horizontality. In the solution tank, the adhesive for foam is poured and diluted with water, the proportions are in the instructions. Then it is well mixed with an electric drill with a mixing nozzle. In this case it is important to follow the recommendations in the instructions.
Procedure for warming the facade
Everything is ready for work, so you can start. First, the mixture is applied to a sheet of foam, first along the perimeter with a solid strip, and then in the center of the sheet 3-4 heaps. In the glue, which is applied along the perimeter, several passes( paths) are made for the release of air from the middle of the sheet. The plate is installed with the long side into the plinth and pressed tightly to the surface.
The level needs to check the plate horizontal and wall verticality. Then several more sheets of polystyrene are installed. When laying the next rows of foam, you need to shift the joint to the row that was glued earlier. The glued plates are fixed with umbrellas for a heater. To do this, through the plates you need to drill holes of at least 40-50 mm and in them to hammer umbrellas. Their hats must be buried in a piece of foam.
Generally, 5 pieces of umbrellas are used for one sheet, but for economy it is possible to fasten them in the joint of plates, then one umbrella captures two plates at once. But one umbrella must be hammered into the center of the plate.
After all the foam is already attached to the wall, it is necessary to glue the reinforcing mesh on it. A strip of glue with a width slightly more than the width of the net is applied to the layer of foam. Align the adhesive with a rule and spatula. Then put the grid and roll on the roller. Above, another adhesive layer is laid and is equal, as the first. When the glue becomes hard, the surface must be primed.
Having finished the facade insulation, video of which can also be viewed from us, it is necessary to make plastering. First apply a preliminary layer, and then - a coating. You can use any kind of decorative plastering.