From what materials is the cheapest to build a house - a detailed analysis of quality and cost

structure Individual construction has long gained a lot of admirers not only outside of our country, and experience in this area has accumulated a lot. New materials and technologies have appeared, many of which we frankly "copy" precisely from abroad. Say that they are bad, you can not. But are they all suitable for our harsh climate? Let's try to figure out what is the best way to build a "budget" housing and how you can save it intelligently, not at the expense of quality.

Let's start with planning. It is from this that all subsequent costs depend. But first it should be noted that there is no single recommendation for choosing the cheapest materials for the house, and that's why.

What is taken into account

  • The climate in the region and the location of the structure on the ground. It depends on this, how thick the walls should be, to what extent it is necessary to conduct additional warming.
  • Soil characteristics. They determine not only the technique of waterproofing, in the first place, the buried part of the house, but also the choice of the type of foundation.

foundation Therefore, cheap building materials, ideally suited for one climate zone, will be absolutely unsuitable for another. In addition, any product has its own "pluses" and "minuses".Therefore, it is necessary to choose which of its properties are most important for a particular house, and what can be neglected or minimized by carrying out a number of additional measures.

And one more important moment - any expert will say that up to 40% of all costs are spent on building a foundation. And here it is necessary to search for the optimal variant of its construction with the selection of cheaper materials.

For example, on the basis of foam blocks to spread the walls of brick will not work - such a house will not last long. But since the costs for its lower part are the most significant, you first need to focus on it - here you can save a lot and build a house cheaper.

On what the final cost of the construction depends

  • value Architecture of the building and its internal layout. It is clear that the fewer possible balconies, terraces, crossings, "beautiful" bends of the roof and the like, the lower the cost of construction.
  • Engineering solution. Any part of the construction can be built in different ways. Rational use of space is another way to cut costs. The main thing is to achieve the maximum useful area.
  • Finishing. It is necessary to be guided by reasonable sufficiency.
  • The correct selection of building materials. Practice shows that it is on this point that a rather large, unreasonable overspending occurs.

There is no point in distracting to such building materials, as, for example, blocks of expanded polystyrene. There are such recommendations for the construction of buildings, and with a description of the mass advantages of such construction.

You can, of course, build and of them, but perhaps just a small cottage. Seriously to perceive such advice in relation to a full-fledged residential structure somehow does not work. And it is not worth it, because then there are unlikely to be buyers for such a building.

Let's consider the basic, most used materials from the point of view of expediency of their use, and also specificities of erection of a construction and features of such designs. Denote the final cost of work( approximate), taking into account all the additional measures( insulation, etc.) in rubles for 1 m² of total area( without "finish" finishing).




  • Thermal insulation is minimal, as the wood "holds" heat well.
  • Possibility of erection on "light" types of foundations.
  • Excellent microclimate.
  • You can choose a cheap variant of blanks( log, round log).



  • Long-term shrinkage. Immediately to be engaged in furnish and will not get in.
  • The need for regular caulking and material handling( flame retardants, antiseptics).
  • The whole house is difficult to build on its own. To attach the lower crown and for some other operations it is better to invite a specialist.
  • Wood is affected by insects( woodworms), and is also afraid of thermal effects.

Cost of construction( from pine):

  • timber - from 11,800 rubles / m2;glued - from 33 000 rub / m2( read about the advantages of glued beams);
  • log( rounded) - from 15,400 rubles / m².




  • You can use slabs of reinforced concrete as interfloor overlappings.
  • Strength.
  • Unlike wood, it does not rot.



  • Qualitative insulation is required.
  • A "strong" foundation is needed.
  • Long construction time.
  • Make quality masonry yourself few people will be able to pay specialists.

The cost of construction - from 21 500 rubles / m².

foam concrete

Concretes cellular

It means gas and foam blocks( for details about building such a house read here)


  • Warmer brick. You can do without heat insulation, but the walls should be thicker.
  • Do not rot.
  • . Short construction time.
  • Lightweight foundation.
  • The ability to do without hired workers, since the installation is fairly simple.

finishing-facades-houses-out of aerated concrete


  • Waterproofing must be of high quality, especially for aerated concrete.
  • Limited in the possible number of storeys of the structure due to the insufficient strength of such walls.
  • Feature of installation( compliance with the technique of fitting joints of products and reinforcing the structure).
  • The complexity of the finish, especially for foam concrete due to its fragility.

The cost of construction - from 15 500 rubles / m².


Prefab Houses


  • Possibility to do everything yourself. But for the installation of panel structures you will need a crane.
  • The foundation of any type, lightweight.
  • The house "breathes".
  • Construction ends in a short time.



As with wood, it is from such building materials that a frame is constructed.

The cost of construction - from 11 000 rubles / m².

The prices are conditional, as much depends on the cost of the selected finishing materials. By the way, very often unreasonable saving on them leads to the fact that the dwelling turns out to be not warm enough, raw, and it has to be heated more intensively. And this entails an increase in expenses. Why?

First, the , directly - increases the consumption of energy resources, and as a result, the payment for utility services increases.

Secondly, , indirectly - between-repair periods for such a building are significantly reduced, because due to poor waterproofing, insulation any thing quickly deteriorates. And any reconstruction( repair) - an event not cheap. Yes, and "heating" equipment wears out more intensively, which also requires investment of material resources for its repair.

wireframe( 1)

Useful advices for

  • When planning the erection of a house, it is necessary to focus, first of all, on such criteria as convenience, sufficient free space and durability. There is no point in engaging in construction, if it is necessary in order to meet the budget, huddle in cramped and change your way of life.
  • Considerable savings can be achieved if part of the work( if not all) is done by oneself. The payment for hired workers is comparable to the cost of materials.
  • It is much more profitable to purchase the latter independently, and not to delegate to the masters. And immediately all( if possible) in one "point".In such cases, Sellers make discounts quite appreciable( it is considered as a big "wholesale").In addition, in winter the prices are much lower, therefore it is worthwhile to make purchases in advance.
  • If you had to hire a master, then it's better to negotiate with them not in words, but on "paper", in the form of a contract. In case they are "universal", that is, they do all kinds of work, then for each( foundation, walls, roofing, finishing) - a separate document. This will allow( if they work poorly) at any stage to abandon their services, and through the court to recover - in detail we have considered this issue.
  • In principle, when outsiders work, they should feel constant control from the owner, preferably every day. Most of all "trash" is done in the process of so-called "hidden" works. For example, waterproofing, warming the foundation, arranging the screed. Such shortcomings, and even a frank marriage will only come after a while, but it will be too late!
  • If in the house it is planned to have some subsidiary, unheated rooms( extensions), then it is better to arrange them around the perimeter. This will significantly reduce heat loss from residential, internal rooms.
  • The number and size of window openings should be optimal. It is through them that the "heat" leaves the house most of all. The criterion is that the total area of ​​all windows in the room should not exceed 1/8 of the floor.

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