How to cut a frame into a paw with our own hands - we build a wooden house

Recently, people concerned about environmental issues are increasingly building houses from wood. There are many different methods of building wooden buildings, which depend on both the type of wood, the size of the structure, and the complexity of the structure itself. Consider how to cut a frame into a paw, this method of logging is also called a "clean angle".

chop the log into a paw

Marking of the log house

Special attention is paid to the correct marking of logs in the pile in the paw. A distinctive feature of this method of construction is that in the very construction of the logs do not stick out of the corners, but fit along the length. They are always oriented to the log with a vertex of lesser thickness. It is marked first and is exemplary for processing the remaining logs. There are two ways "in the paw" - simple and more complex, for professionals. At the first, thorns are inserted, and at the second - root ones.

 Along the whole log, the side that will "look" inside the house is being processed. The edge of the opposite side is processed for a length equal to approximately two log diameters. The remaining two sides of the "protrusion" are for a length slightly exceeding the thickness.

Beginning of works

log frame Work directly on the assembly of the house begins with the manufacture of a salary, with the so-called crown "oakladnogo."Two logs lie strictly parallel. Then - perpendicular to them - the other two. A square is obtained that determines the size of the whole house. At the same time, continuous control of the installation with the help of a building level should be carried out. After this, the nests are marked for logging.

Marking is made from both ends of the logs. The planned places are deepened by not more than half the thickness of the log. After stacking in the received grooves of other logs, it is necessary to process their upper parts so that the subsequent logging is flat. Should not forget to do hack-claw-in-the-paw between the logs of the insulation gasket, for which it is necessary to provide special grooves in the logs. It is necessary to prepare nests for logs so that when overlapping one another, they are in good contact. Logs in the grooves must be driven smoothly, controlling both the quality of the landing, and the horizontal. Also, with the help of a plumb line, it is necessary to follow the verticality of the walls.

Thermal insulation

For better thermal insulation of the structure along all logs of the log house, it is necessary to lay a tow or other insulating material. It should be borne in mind that this method requires special thoroughness at work, otherwise you can not avoid such trouble as drafts. And the house itself will look crooked, so life in a crooked house of joy will not deliver.

It is worth taking care of a quality foundation for the house. It depends on him how long your house will stay, whether it will "swim" with time.

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