Building Materials

Houses made of round timber - what are the ways of building them?
Houses made of round timber - what are the ways of building them?
Feb 12, 2018

"Strength" of a cottage made of round timber. .. in the "root" Due to the ease of the wooden structure, many self-delicacies are quite lig...

Cutting out of plywood - we organize the workplace correctly
Cutting out of plywood - we organize the workplace correctly
Feb 18, 2018

Preparing a tool for sawing from plywood Creation of masterpieces from plywood with their own hands will require such tools: jig saw, a...

Glass reinforced - safety features and aesthetics
Glass reinforced - safety features and aesthetics
Feb 12, 2018

Features of reinforced glass This glass can split into a huge number of fragments, but never fall out of its mount. Therefore, it is us...

Antisopotelik glasses and other means for the "crying" windows
Antisopotelik glasses and other means for the "crying" windows
Feb 12, 2018

Why does the apartment sweat the glass? Why do the glasses sweat? Because the dew point is reached in the room. The dew point is the te...

Poromax: properties of the material and its application
Poromax: properties of the material and its application
Feb 12, 2018

Special system accelerates the construction of Material Poromax is a ceramic large-format hollow-porous stone with enhanced thermal i...

Pipe cutter for copper pipes and ways of their bending
Pipe cutter for copper pipes and ways of their bending
Feb 12, 2018

All about the bending tool Bending of copper pipes is performed using several methods. The safest and most qualitative of them is the b...

Cutting of concrete - we select the necessary tool
Cutting of concrete - we select the necessary tool
Mar 20, 2018

Concrete cutting is the only way out of a lot of situations. . In the list of works that require this operation, it is first of all nece...

Steel cable - how not to get confused in the variety of offers?
Steel cable - how not to get confused in the variety of offers?
Feb 12, 2018

Characteristics of steel rope There is a rather large number of types of ropes. Steel ropes differ in the design and type of the rope. ...

How to use the mounting foam and prevent mistakes in work?
How to use the mounting foam and prevent mistakes in work?
Feb 12, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of working with material Today both professional builders and home masters do not imagine the installation...

Rubble crushed limestone: a centuries-old history in the service of modern construction
Rubble crushed limestone: a centuries-old history in the service of modern construction
Mar 01, 2018

History of limestone crushed stone Limestone was formed in sea basins from the remains of mollusks and crustaceans shells, animal skele...