How to choose a heat-resistant paint?

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Heat-resistant paint for metal. Paint for brazier and fireplace

Choosing heat-resistant paint for metal, first of all, it is necessary to determine the scope of such coating. The level of thermal protection depends on it:

  • for radiators of heating there is enough stock up to 100 degrees, it will be paints based on alkyd and acrylic resins;
  • up to 200 degrees withstand epoxy based epoxy resins;
  • epoxy ether and ethyl silicate compounds withstand up to 450 degrees - this heat resistance is sufficient for barbecue and barbecue;
  • enamel based on silicone polymer resin withstand up to 600 degrees;as a rule, their refractoriness is strengthened with aluminum powder;
  • heat-resistant compositions on the basis of liquid glass and composite components withstand up to 650 degrees and even higher and are used for processing engines, fireplaces, stoves, boilers, auto exhaust pipes and other structures that require the highest requirements for thermal stability.

If high-temperature products are used with ordinary, non-heat-resistant paint, the consequences can be very sad. Some enamels will quickly lose color, become yellow, cracked and exfoliate, while others can begin to release poisonous ethers or other substances harmful to humans and the environment. A strong overheating can even cause a fire! The same applies to the incorrectly chosen temperature stability.

Note! If you plan to use heat-resistant paint only for metal, look for this particular purpose on the packaging. An expanded list of materials( plastic, wood, glass) will greatly affect the price of enamel.

Fireproof paint for metal deserves special attention. They withstand not only high and critical temperatures, but also are completely static even with direct contact with the flame. Such compounds can be safely used for processing barbecues, grills and accessories, ovens.

Painted brazier

Note! If the product is supposed to be in contact with fire, do not be content with simple indicators of heat resistance - look for the label "fireproof" on the label!

Heat-resistant paint for glass and ceramics

There are not many materials that are actively used for products exposed to high temperatures. Glass is one of the most popular among them. It is often used in decorating fireplaces, stoves and similar structures.

Painted ceramic tiles

If you need to refresh or decorate a glass or ceramic surface to be heated, you will have to take special care:

  • choose the temperature regime of the enamel similarly with a heat-resistant paint for metal;
  • make sure that in the application of the composition, glass or ceramics is indicated;
  • prepare the surface: remove dust, dust, stickers and degrease the surface;
  • ideally - it is mandatory to use a heat-resistant primer over glass for better adhesion.

As a rule, aerosol paints are used for working with glass and ceramics. They lie flat, leaving no streaks, like a brush or a roller.

Primer on glass

Apply the paint by following the instructions on the bottle( usually from a distance of 25-30 cm).After the first layer has completely dried( at least 20 minutes), a second coat should be applied for a more even coating.

To give a matte or glossy luster, as well as additional fastening, it is possible to use a heat-resistant varnish as the finishing layer.

Heat-resistant paint in spray cans up to 1000 degrees

Aerosol heat-resistant paint with a temperature regime up to 1000 degrees is often used in everyday life: from painting the heat sink to processing the car engine. It has a number of useful qualities that outweigh the choice in its direction:

  • heat-resistant paint protects the metal from corrosion even under the influence of high temperatures;
  • refractory paint fulfills the same task, but under the influence of an open flame;
  • provides ease of application of decorative coating due to the aerosol form;
  • is economical when applied;
  • has a huge choice of colors.

Over 1000 degrees in everyday life, practically nothing can get warm under normal conditions, so paints with an increased temperature resistance threshold are used only in industrial plants. The price for them is an order of magnitude higher and is unlikely to be available, given the requirements for home-made thermo-colors.

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