Repair Of Premises

Alpine hill in the apartment: is it possible to create an alpinarium at home?
Alpine hill in the apartment: is it possible to create an alpinarium at home?
Feb 09, 2018

Living in a cold climate, we try to always create a bit of summer for ourselves, even in winter time greenhouses and winter gardens are almost im...

4 ways to raise the bath higher
4 ways to raise the bath higher
Mar 04, 2018

Often there is a need to raise the bath slightly above the level at which it is located. This may be due to the fact that for some reason the dra...

Algorithm for dismantling the bath: step by step
Algorithm for dismantling the bath: step by step
Mar 18, 2018

The disassembly of the bathtub may be necessary for the owner of the room in 2 cases: 1) The sanitary ware has cracked or become unusable( the...

How to install the interior door yourself
How to install the interior door yourself
Feb 28, 2018

If it is decided to make repairs in the room, do not save, leaving the old door. This element of the interior can greatly affect the impression o...

Drywall( GCR) and its types: application, main dimensions and prices
Drywall( GCR) and its types: application, main dimensions and prices
Mar 04, 2018

Gypsum plasterboard sheet is present today in almost any finishing work. Without it, the design of walls and ceilings, door and window slopes, th...

How to glue a paper wallpaper
How to glue a paper wallpaper
Mar 29, 2018

Pasting of the wallpaper is one of the simplest options for decorating walls in the room. Today there is a large number of wallpapers not only in...

How to glue wallpapers on whitewashed walls - step by step instructions
How to glue wallpapers on whitewashed walls - step by step instructions
Mar 28, 2018

When performing cosmetic repairs in some homes, especially old ones, there are certain problems when pasting walls with wallpaper. The main di...

How to make a ceiling from aluminum panels
How to make a ceiling from aluminum panels
Feb 11, 2018

In the bathroom, the most practical and aesthetic choice can be a ceiling made of aluminum panels. It can be installed without problems. ...

How to cut a corner on a skirting board
How to cut a corner on a skirting board
Feb 16, 2018

Ceiling baseboard is a decorative element that gives a finishing finish to walls and ceilings. It is glued on the joint between the walls and ...

Technology how to seal seams between slabs
Technology how to seal seams between slabs
Feb 20, 2018

Seams between floor slabs are among the hard-to-seal ceiling defects. This is due to the fact that the slabs are displaced with each other as whe...