Repair Of Premises

Can I puttying on the paint - recommendations for repair
Can I puttying on the paint - recommendations for repair
Mar 10, 2018

When repairing old buildings, sometimes there is a situation where you have to level the walls or ceilings, painted with paint. This raises a nat...

Eco-friendly flooring from sisal
Eco-friendly flooring from sisal
Mar 21, 2018

The era of the popularity of synthetic flooring has passed, and more and more often designers and manufacturers offer natural materials. Not the ...

Arrangement of the floor from the GvL - quickly, accurately and financially
Arrangement of the floor from the GvL - quickly, accurately and financially
Mar 29, 2018

Despite the apparent simplicity of such an element of the interior, as a floor covering, its design is quite complex and consists of many element...

We make the cork floor in the kitchen with our own hands
We make the cork floor in the kitchen with our own hands
Feb 10, 2018

The cork floor is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason - it has a beautiful structure and is easy to use. Undoubted advantages of ...

Is it so necessary to use linoleum?
Is it so necessary to use linoleum?
Mar 08, 2018

Quite a natural question, arising after buying a linoleum, is the way of its laying. The choice here is small, since these methods are known only...

How to level the floor with a self-leveling mixture - alignment technology
How to level the floor with a self-leveling mixture - alignment technology
Mar 03, 2018

Smooth floors in the room facilitate the laying of the decorative coating and extend its service life. Coatings laid on a perfectly flat floor ar...

Floor tiles made of natural stone
Floor tiles made of natural stone
Mar 14, 2018

Floor coverings made of natural materials, including natural stone, have been known to mankind for several millennia. And if once a person was si...

Which company is best to choose a laminate - advice on choosing
Which company is best to choose a laminate - advice on choosing
Feb 15, 2018

Laminate is a popular floor covering. Externally it looks like natural parquet, but is more affordable and has practical characteristics. The coa...

Water repellent impregnation for wood - types of impregnations, how to choose?
Water repellent impregnation for wood - types of impregnations, how to choose?
Feb 09, 2018

Wood is the most common material in construction, because it is very accessible, it can be perfectly processed and at the same time it has a grea...

How to glue glue linoleum - types of glue
How to glue glue linoleum - types of glue
Mar 17, 2018

The indisputable advantages of linoleum include: convenience in operation, variety in coloring and texture, unpretentiousness, durability of t...