Drywall( GCR) and its types: application, main dimensions and prices

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Gypsum plasterboard sheet is present today in almost any finishing work. Without it, the design of walls and ceilings, door and window slopes, the creation of curved surfaces and curved structures can not do without. He is able to satisfy any imagination of designers. Initially, this material did not cause much confidence in the builders, but with the improvement of the technology of its production was recognized as one of the best for finishing works. Today, a lot of types of this material are produced, differing in their parameters and purpose. The standard dimensions of drywall also have some variability. Let us consider in more detail what is plasterboard( GKL) and its types: application, basic sizes and prices.

Such stacks store gypsum plasterboards in warehouses

Such stacks store drywall sheets in warehouses

Basic information about drywall and the "recipe" for its manufacture

Today, the "dry" construction technology assumes the use of GKL as the main constructive element in the finishing works. All other parts and structures are used solely for the purpose of fixing gipsokartonnyh sheets. Any gypsum plasterboard sheet is a kind of "sandwich", inside of which there is a layer of ordinary white gypsum, and outside it is a cardboard framing the sheet on both sides and long edges.

Cardboard is thin, but in spite of this circumstance, it is quite strong, which gives the product the necessary rigidity. The internal gypsum part can include various additives that change the physical qualities of the material. Some components make the drywall more resistant to moisture, others absorb noise, and still others give the product fireproof properties.

So it is customary to call parts of drywall sheet.

So it is common to call parts of drywall sheet.

The upper side of the GKL is usually called the face part, the lower side is called the back side, the somewhat refined long ribs are lateral edges, and the inner part is cored.

Where different kinds of drywall

are used. All manufacturers of GCR, regardless of brand, try to withstand general principles in the production of their products. They are adjusted to the building norms and rules that are relevant today. Any manufacturer has in its lineup several types of gypsum cardboard products. Most often used in practice GKL or GKLV.

Plasterboard construction or base

This is a standard standard plasterboard that is suitable for facing walls directly or covering wall and ceiling frame structures made of metal or wooden rails. These sheets are used with pleasure in their intricate designs designers. Base plasterboard can be used only for interior finishing of premises in normal humidity conditions. If we consider objects with unfinished finish, you can see that the vast majority of the walls are covered with light gray plasterboard sheets. This is exactly what the construction GKL is.

The base plasterboard can be easily distinguished by the light gray color of the cardboard surface.

The base plasterboard can be easily distinguished by the light gray color of the cardboard surface.

Moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard sheets

Such material is marked with GKLV.The last letter in the abbreviation means "moisture-proof".It is indispensable in rooms with high or medium humidity. To achieve a moisture-resistant effect, modifiers added to the gypsum core are allowed. They greatly reduce the ability of gypsum to saturate with water vapor. For the same reason, fungus and mold are not comfortable in such products. Such qualities allow the use of GKLV in kitchens, in bathrooms and bathrooms, in mansards and balconies with a heating system.

Window slopes can only be made from such boards with increased moisture resistance, since the pericon region is always subject to the formation of water condensation. With a certain preparation by means of oil-based waterproofing it becomes possible to use such drywall in shower rooms and even swimming pools. As for other parameters, moisture-resistant sheets do not differ from ordinary sheets, they can be used for any other purposes inherent in the usual base sheet. A distinctive feature of moisture-resistant GKLV is its green color.

The green color of the cardboard facing suggests that we are looking at a moisture resistant drywall

The green color of the cardboard facing suggests that we are looking at the moisture resistant drywall

Drywall with

flame retardant properties

Marking of fireproof plasterboard GKLO, which, in fact, means "fireproof" gipsokartonny sheet. In the gypsum core of such sheets, special antipirites are added. They increase the resistance to high temperatures by half. This feature does not allow the fire to spread quickly in a room decorated with such sheets. It is noteworthy that some brands of GKLO are also moisture resistant.

Fireproof gypsum cardboard has been used in rooms where there is a high risk of fire: electrical boards, boiler rooms, ventilation shafts and cable ducts. They finish the premises constructed of steel structures. Especially often this type of sheets can be found when decorating public buildings or offices. They can be distinguished by a very light or even reddish shade of cardboard.

Drywall for design purposes

This name means that such sheets are convenient to use for the manufacture of various curvilinear structures. It is also called arched or flexible. Due to the increased plasticity and not large thickness( 6 - 6.5 mm), it can be bent to some small radius. This has found application in the installation of arched structures and complex false ceilings. In the core of these sheets is inserted a fiberglass reinforcing mesh in several layers, which at times increases the strength of the product on fracture.

It's a pleasure to work with such sheets. They do not need to be pierced or moistened. The installation is completely dry. Arched gypsum board is also fireproof and waterproof.

Drywall with increased strength

For the construction of structures that can be subjected to increased loads, reinforced gypsum board is used. Such sheets have increased strength. They calmly withstand fasteners, which will hang a shelf or a small cabinet. Such GKLU can be produced in thickness of 25, 20 and 18 mm. They are sometimes called massive. For obvious reasons, GCLU plates are both fireproof and waterproof.

Special plasterboard panels

Sometimes it is required to apply gypsum cardboard sheets for certain specific conditions, therefore manufacturers easily adapt to the needs of the construction area and produce products:

  • With increased noise protection level.
  • With the possibility of attaching to external walls and having also windproof qualities.
  • With high thermal conductivity. They are indispensable for the installation of warm floors or cooling ceiling structures.
  • Possessing heat-insulating properties.
  • Includes a whole "pie" of waterproofing and polymer foam layers.
  • Shielding X-rays or electromagnetic waves.

There are also very exotic options: with a cement core and a frame of fiberglass. This material can be used to build facades of buildings without worrying about its protection from weather factors. Well and absolutely new material - gipsovolokno( GVL), consisting of a gypsum base in which fibers of cellulose are added. Such sheets are so smooth and strong that they do not need to be primed before finishing. Apply GWL for installation of floors, construction of houses on frame technology, they are not afraid of dampness, and therefore can be used for outdoor works.

What types of edges exist for GKL

Almost any brand of drywall has a special edge along long edges. Often it is less than the thickness of the rest of the sheet. This makes it possible to gently plaster or seal the joints between the sheets. The wrong side of the sheets is provided with a marking that indicates the type of the edge.

Types of edges of gypsum board and their conditional marking.

Types of edges of plasterboard and their conditional marking.

With thin edges, the sheets are selected only at the finish of the room. If you are installing several layers of sheets, it is better to select the usual straight edge.

Standard dimensions of gypsum board

As in all building materials, standard sizes are used in plasterboard. This circumstance, however, does not in any way limit the right of manufacturers to order to produce sheets with any parameters. The standard length of the GKL is 2, 2.5 and 3 m. Some manufacturers produce intermediate dimensions - 1.5, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.6 m. For walls, 2.5 m thick sheets are most suitable. Ifthe same length of ceilings is higher, then three-meter sheets are not worth buying. From them there will be a lot of scraps, and it is much more difficult to bring them into an apartment. It is better to purchase a number of plates in excess of the norm and make joints or issue an individual order according to the size of your walls.

The standard width of gypsum boards is 1.2 m, because of this, and the frame for finishing also have a standard step of 0.4 or 0.6 m. Recently, manufacturers have started making narrow sheets, the width of which is only 60 cm, and the length1,5 or 2 m. Convenience is that they can be brought on a passenger car, and mounted alone. However, this is relevant for small areas. In case of serious repair, there will be too many seams, which still need to be fixed. There are some types of flexible plasterboard that have a width of 90 cm.

A very important parameter is the thickness of the sheets. The weight of the whole structure depends on it. In the standard, the thickness of the GCR is 6, 9, 12.5 mm. Sometimes you can meet 6.5 and 9.5 mm. Sheets reinforced and fireproof much thicker 15, 18, 25 mm. Arched GKL - 6 mm. These are the lightest sheets, but if you do not need to make arches with a small radius, then it's better to get thicker products. They are cheaper, but they can also bend. Lightweight ceiling sheets have a thickness of 9 mm. They can not be used for walls, because they do not have sufficient strength. However, some experts advise and on the ceiling to make sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm, if the frame allows.

Prices for drywall

Although in general, the cost of this material is low, you need to understand that this is true only for the base drywall. For this reason, it is used in the vast majority of cases. Fireproof and moisture resistant gypsum board are somewhat more expensive, but at the same time when finishing the apartment it does not need much. The most expensive is a flexible arched gypsum board. This is not surprising, because it has an additional reinforcement layer. The cost of specific products for special purposes can be several times higher than usual, depending on the degree of protection of the sheets. Anyway, for today gipsokartonnye sheets are the most accessible finishing material. Only when calculating the cost of repairs, you need to take into account the cost of the structure of the frame.

How to choose drywall

When you go to a construction store to buy drywall, you should not hurry. It is necessary to pay great attention to the products with a view to determining their quality. Famous brands are unlikely to supply low-quality goods for sale, but even they are not insured against marriage. In addition, before the sheets get into the pile in the warehouse, they will travel a long way from the manufacturer. They are several times overloaded. Perhaps they will lie in a damp warehouse or in an open space. The human factor and the irresponsibility of the movers too can not be discounted. They can damage the core, making dents, and can tear the cardboard. For these reasons, when buying building materials you need:

  • Buy it in a large construction store.
  • Check the storage conditions in the warehouse. Feeling the excess moisture, leave this store.
  • Keep track of the loaders, so that when loading and unloading work they do everything carefully.
  • Check each sheet for scratches, dents, chips and other damage.

The signs of GCR damages are as follows: the corners and the sheet itself are crumpled, the paper lags behind with the appearance of waves, on the short sides the core is scattered, there is a visible curvature of the panel, the thin loud bends, the edge of the plate is cut off crookedly - a sign of factory marriage.

You can safely use gypsum cardboard, but only get it right. This will definitely help you avoid unnecessary trouble.

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