Which jack is better and what is the feature of the choice? Construction jacks of various types are widely used in many industries, in ...
Versatile varieties of pliers The number of designs of pliers is determined only by the number of objects of use( plumbing, electrical and...
Device and operation of the generator The device of the acetylene generator is simple, the main elements are as follows: housing...
The essence of the action of technical gases when welding There are many kinds of welding. The division is based on the method of obtai...
Principle of geodesy on the construction site When working on making plans in nature, one must determine with the difference in heights of...
Application of As a rule, work with an electronic total station has become an indispensable process in all types of geodetic work. It i...
What to do when choosing? First you need to figure out which winches are and what they are used for, in order to learn how to make a wi...
The simple device of the instrument The device of a total station can be attributed both to a complex and to a simple technological mec...
Summary of the characteristics of the perforator The perforators have three main functions: drilling without impact, drilling with impa...
Feb 19, 2018
It all starts with the layout. Before work, you need to make a layout of the workbench with the locations of all the necessary elements...