How to use the level is the basis for marking the territory

Principle of geodesy on the construction site

When working on making plans in nature, one must determine with the difference in heights of several points on the surface areas and with a mark that is considered to be a conditional level( often sea level or water body).The most common work with the level and geodetic racks, which allows to determine and carry out geometric leveling( finding the height difference).

In this case, the optical axis of the level is horizontal, and from the point of the conditional level are the differences in the heights of the readings on the marks on the rails. During work, each such point is at a distance of one hundred meters from the point where the level is set, its level is measured at least three times, and the arithmetic mean is taken. On the basis of the data obtained, land plots are being plotted. Thus, the purpose of the level is to determine the height difference at the measurement points( their excess).

Considering the principle of operation of the level, one can not fail to mention an important element - the leveling( geodesic) rail. This is a special bar, installed vertically in the points for measuring the heights in the terrain. It can be wooden, metal( more often aluminum).

For the convenience of transportation( due to its standard length of three to four meters), the design of the rail allows folding in half, has a special assembly. More modern versions of racks have a telescopic sliding structure.

Required tool kit for measuring

On the sides of the standard leveling rod, calibration is usually done: on the front side, the marking is performed in the metric measuring system, and on the back side in the inch. Before working with the level, the rail is set by a special mark on the bottom metal bracket to the center of the measuring point.

For ease of use, there are special handles for holding the tool at this point. Qualitative racks( as a rule, they are made of special iron-nickel alloys, called Invars) are installed special bubble levels to control the vertical position of the rack.

When carrying out work on the ground with initial studies of the proposed development, it is very important to carry out a complex modeling of the future object in "dimensional" interaction with the surrounding architectural or natural landscape, . This requires a leveling and leveling rails acting as a reference tool for setting the scale.

The technology of photographing measurement points with the transfer of real-scale values ​​as data for computer programs( Photoshop, AutoCAD) allows you to model the object and its interaction with the surrounding landscape.

Varieties of levels

In order not to be mistaken and know how to properly use the level, you need to understand its structure and navigate in existing types, at least in general terms. The most common optical levels can have different degrees of measurement accuracy. In general, their design includes telescopes, with the obligatory presence of a special( cylindrical) level, which makes it possible to control the horizon of the optical axis.

Its image through the optical prismatic system is projected into the optics of the telescope and is constantly monitored in this way. Instructions for working with the level tells how to properly configure the instrument for measurements. Special screw mechanisms( including elevation, azimuth, stand-by) ensure the accuracy of the horizon exposed. The device is installed on a special tripod, which has an axis of rotation.

More accurate measurement results, reducing the errors in determining the distance between the measurement points, give digital versions of the levels. But for such devices you will need racks with special barcodes, which ensure the automatic recording of data by microprocessors.

How this work is done with the level, the video clips presented on the Web can be told in sufficient detail. In the absence of such rails, these variants of levels are used as optical ones.

By the way, before using even an ordinary optical level, it is subjected to three checks: the main condition( level with the pipe), the round level, the horizontal nature of the network of threads. In addition, the level of the network of marking threads of the level with the level at the pipe is often checked by level.

Also important characteristics are the price of level division in the pipe and the multiplicity of the pipe itself. Thus, fitness is determined. Study before using the level, the video on our website, it shows in detail the described checks before commencing work.

Well, the work itself can be performed not only by optical, but also by laser and water levels. Details are given for each type of how to work with the level, video clips about laser, optical, water, digital types of this device.

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