The market of materials for private housing construction is very rich today: here and brick, and shaped beam, and cellular concrete and much more...
The modern market is constantly replenished with new types of finishing and building materials. One of them is polycarbonate monolithic, which in...
Wood is an excellent material for building a house, warm, breathable, eco-friendly and very beautiful. But only the untreated exterior walls afte...
It's hard to imagine a full interior without a properly selected floor covering. If earlier it was not necessary to choose especially, now m...
On the strength characteristics of concrete, the buyer pays attention first. It is believed that the stronger, the better and more durable...
Some people call this plumbing product the most faithful friend of a person. Indeed, no exploitable structure can be imagined without such...
I encountered this material when I started building a house. In neighboring areas such work began before me, so it is quite natural that at ...
This is quite an interesting building material, which is known even under such "folk" names, as "drevobeton" and "sawdust concrete".From this i...
These products are a relatively new example in the market of finishing and building materials, and professionally unprepared people know little a...
Feb 11, 2018
There are a lot of materials on the modern construction market, the technical characteristics of which seemed impossible several decades ago. T...