Characteristics and types of sandwich panels for the construction of a residential house

The market of materials for private housing construction is very rich today: here and brick, and shaped beam, and cellular concrete and much more. But if the question arises of a quick, easy and economical construction of a cozy, warm, reliable home, the choice of building materials is significantly reduced. And here comes to the rescue a relatively new technology, quickly gaining popularity - the construction of houses from sandwich panels.

What is a sandwich panel?

Sandwich panels are a popular building material today, which is manufactured in the factory on special high-performance equipment. The panel is a structure of three layers, a sort of "sandwich": between the two sheets of the cover is a layer of insulation, and the thicker and better the insulation layer, the more comfortable will be the conditions in the new house.

Wall panel wall panel

For coating different manufacturers use different materials: galvanized steel, aluzinc, moisture resistant oriented particle board, etc. As a heater, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, fiberglass, expanded polystyrene, etc. are used.

Depending on the place of application, sandwich panels can be usedwall and roofing. Wall, in turn, can be smooth, simple profiled or decorative profiled( log or siding).Roof panels are profiled from one or both sides.

Where can sandwich panels be used?

Sandwich panels are used very widely in private house-building, while houses can be not only one-story, but also multi-storey. From this material, you can quickly and easily build a house in the garden, summer kitchen, utility rooms. First you need to build a metal frame, and then on it to fix the sandwich panels.

No less popular is the technology of building public buildings from sandwich panels: offices, warehouses, shops, restaurants, gyms, workers' sheds, petrol stations. And this is completely justified: not only that such buildings are built quickly and economically, they can be easily upgraded, if necessary, added an additional floor, dismantled, transported to another place, reassembled.

roof panel roof panel

Pros and Cons:

wall-to-wall The advantages of sandwich panels include:

  • speed of erection;
  • lightness of construction( does not require a powerful foundation);
  • design flexibility with regard to mobility and modernization;
  • economy( the house of such panels will cost two, and even three times cheaper than brick);
  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • excellent thermal insulation and soundproofing properties;
  • the possibility of mounting works at any time of the year.

Drawbacks of sandwich panels:

  • for the construction of panels are contra-indicated long-term heavy loads;
  • if mounting is performed in winter, icing may appear on the joints;
  • in the presence of a basalt heater can deteriorate the strength and thermal insulation characteristics of the material;
  • the service life of the structure of sandwich panels is not more than 50 years;
  • bearing frame requires protection - metal from corrosion. A wooden one - from fungus and putrefaction;
  • combination in the panel of OSB boards with expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam is fire hazardous.


How to choose?

When choosing sandwich panels for building a house, you should pay attention to the following factors:

Type of insulation .Expanded polystyrene is an ecological, durable material that does not allow water to pass through, which keeps the heat well. But it is fire dangerous.

Polyurethane foam - has the lowest thermal conductivity, good waterproofing properties. It is durable, resistant to chemicals. Minus - fire hazard.
Mineral wool - ecological, non-flammable, safe, keeps heat well. Minus - low resistance to moisture, therefore requires additional waterproofing.

Panel thickness . The increase in the volume of the plate leads, on the one hand, to an increase in thermal insulation properties, and on the other hand, to a decrease in useful living space, complicating installation, increasing the cost of the material. Therefore, you need to carefully calculate the optimal thickness of the panel.

Geometry of the panel. It is determined by the project of the building.

Manufacturer. Only the manufacturer with sufficient experience, qualification, possessing a good production base and possessing modern production technologies can guarantee the quality and durability of its products. The Russian market employs about 200 manufacturers of this material for construction.

The largest of them are Ruukki-Vental( Kaluga), Electroshield( Samara), Mosstroy-31( Moscow), KZLK( Novokuznetsk), Termosteps-MTL( Samara), Trimo-VSK( Vladimir), etc. Imported products, mainly, comes from England, Finland, Poland, Korea.

Sandwich panels - this is a building material that has great prospects and comes to replace traditional materials.

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