Tiles for fireplaces and stoves: everything you need to know

Types and applications of

Many different tiles are used for facing fireplaces and stoves, but the most popular is the ceramic, which in some cases is simply irreplaceable. The following tile for the fireplace is used:

  • Majolica is a pressed material covered with glaze with various patterns;
  • Terracotta - a ceramic material without glaze;
  • Clinker - tiles from heterogeneous clay species with additives;
  • Ceramic granite is a modern material for facing with properties similar to those of natural stone.

The main component of ceramic tiles is clay. Depending on its type, natural components are added to it, this is as follows: the ingredients are compressed with a pressure of 500 kg / cm2 and are fired at a temperature of + 1040-1300 degrees Celsius. In this regard, the efficiency of the heating devices does not decrease, but the heating time increases somewhat. Other advantages, in addition to thermal conductivity and heat capacity, are a hard surface, resistance to fire and durability of the cladding.

Note! Experts advise making the facing of a fireplace or stove not only for aesthetic reasons, but for security reasons. All the seams and cracks in the laying are covered, which prevents flue gases from entering the room.

Such a tile is universal and can be used not only for finishing fireplaces and stoves. Also it is successfully used for mounting on facades, terraces, external and internal walls. It perfectly tolerates temperature changes, sturdy, the pattern and color do not burn out in the sun, it is resistant to mechanical influences.

The main factors when choosing

The facing tile for the fireplace differs from the simple tile, so the quality standards are also different. Indeed, the quality material for facing the kilns must comply with all technical parameters of thermal expansion. Unique, reliable and high-quality tiles should have the following qualities and features:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Durability;

Note! Quality ceramic tiles for ovens and fireplaces should last several decades. To be sure of its quality, we recommend checking certificates.

  • High quality of the material from which it is made;
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • Diverse design;
  • Combination with plastic, wood, metal.

If you choose to pay attention to all these qualities and check the availability of certificates, the chances of purchasing a functional, strong, universal, beautiful and reliable tile are significantly increased. This, in turn, will save you from many problems inherent in cheap products, for example, the occurrence of cracks or chips.

Preparing for operation

Decorating the fireplace with tiles from other types of cladding works is no different. However, it should be borne in mind that the facing of the fireplaces with tiles requires the use of special glue compounds. For finishing, a glue resistant to high temperatures, or a heat-resistant mastic, will fit. All of these adhesives in the composition contain elastic additives that help smooth out the deformations that arise due to uneven expansion of the substrate and lining when heated.

To ensure that the ceramic tile for the fireplace rests reliably and correctly on the surface, it is necessary to prepare the surface. To do this, it is cleaned of dirt, deepening the joints of brickwork by 1 centimeter. The surface of the masonry is peeled off from dust and spray solutions. If previously a fireplace or stove was painted, then the paint is removed with a brush or covered with a wire mesh with cells 15 by 15 centimeters. After that, the heating device is ready for cladding.

Tip! Before beginning the finish on the surface it is recommended to make a marking for smooth and regular laying.

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