Sewerage rules
Sewage system is divided into internal and external .Internal includes: plumbing fixtures( bathroom, sink, toilet, shower, etc.), pipes, return filters. External - these are pipes and autonomous structures outside the house( pipeline, sewage treatment plant, pump, etc.).
The drains are collected from plumbing devices and pass through the piping system to the treatment plant( septic tank).There, sewage wastes can be cleaned mechanically, chemically and biologically. The best biological treatment is considered, since about 99 percent of pollutants are eliminated.
The essence of this technology boils down to the following: first, mechanical filtration is carried out, then, with the help of microorganisms, biological. As a result, after cleaning, technical water is obtained, which many consumers use for watering the garden and for other purposes.
Sewer installation rules
Conditionally the rules of sewage installation can be divided into: installation of internal and installation of external sewerage. The rules for installing an internal sewage system include the following:
- Usually use d equal to 50 and 100 mm. The first are used for washbasins, sinks, bathroom, second for the toilet. When installing plastic pipes, it is best to use any additional lubricant( soap or shampoo).
- When mounting pipes with plumbing fixtures, it is worthwhile to use transitional rubber cuffs( when connecting to siphon tubes) and sleeves( where the pipes pass through any walls or floors).
- It is advisable to make fewer turns and joints, as these are places potentially susceptible to leakage. At each turn, revisions are necessary.
- The angle of inclination of the pipes can vary from 1 to 2 cm / m. The greater the angle of inclination, the lower the capacity of the sewer to self-cleaning and the greater its noise. That is, noiseless sewerage with a smaller slope of pipes. At the same time, the angle of inclination should not be too small, because because of this the water velocity generally decreases.
- Stands should be attached from the bottom up. They are fastened with clamps.
The rules for installing the external sewerage system imply the use of pipes with SDR of about 44 and a slope of pipes of about 1-2 cm / m. The external sewer pipe is laid at a depth of 70-80 cm( depending on the type of soil, climatic conditions, etc.).The entrance of the pipe to the septic tank must be at least 1 meter.
Rules for the operation of the sewerage system
If all the rules for laying the sewage system have been met, there should be no further problems with operation. It is only necessary to carry out technical maintenance of the septic tank and carry out some testing and prevention of all systems. To do this: the state of rainwater is monitored, the chimneys are cleaned, the hoods are checked, the leaks are eliminated, and the siphons and ladders are repaired.
The whole system will work properly if elementary norms are observed, which imply that waste such as construction waste, insoluble substances, household waste, solvents, paints, oil products, alkalis, polymer materials can not be discharged into the sewage system. Otherwise, local sewerage will quickly fail.
The sewer regulations also imply the monitoring of the septic tank. It is necessary to extract solid fractions once a year, left at the bottom of the treatment plant. Periodically, you can add biogranules and bioenzymes( in bio-purification), since it is microorganisms that are engaged in the cleavage of organic substances. The remaining sediment that was recovered from the septic tank( solid fractions) can be used as a fertilizer in the garden.