Use of asbestos pipes for a chimney

Asbestos pipe as a chimney and its dangerous sides


The chimney from an asbestos-cement pipe can be installed quite easily. However, it is worth acquainting with its negative side before proceeding with such a purchase. Consider some of the nuances:

  1. The porous asbestos material absorbs moisture in the presence of condensation. If there are aggressive substances in the condensate, the chimney walls will also absorb them, which will lead to a rapid destruction of the structure.
  2. Installation of asbestos-cement pipes is carried out by means of couplings, which include rubber seals. At certain temperatures, these seals have the property of deforming or even burning out. In this regard, it may cause suction deteriorating traction. Sometimes, because of this, the products of combustion penetrate into the room.

Have you ever seen a fire involving ordinary slate? It is also made with asbestos cement. When exposed to high temperatures, it with a huge noise, like shooting, cracked and flies into different directions, and at a decent distance. Of course, asbestos chimney pipes are much thicker than slate, but high temperatures have a negative, even destructive effect on them. At three hundred degrees Celsius, the chimney starts to crack. At best, particles of material are flying off its surface.


Based on this, it is possible to determine the hazards when using a chimney from asbestos cement.

  1. Under the influence of high temperatures, the chimney can rupture, which means causing mechanical injuries to surrounding people.
  2. A chimney rupture can cause a fire.
  3. The formation of cracks in the chimney can cause combustion products to enter the room or lead to a reduction in thrust due to burnout of the sealing elements.

Of course, taking into account all the features of this material, asbestos-cement pipes can be used with a reasonable approach to the matter. It is not recommended to install them as heating equipment that operates on wood or coal, because under such conditions the temperature of the processed gases is much higher. However, if the chimney from the asbestos-cement pipe is located at a considerable distance from the boiler or furnace, then installation is possible, as intermediate or final sections.

Frequent use of asbestos-cement pipes is observed in the form of an exhaust hood or used in gas water heating columns, where they serve as a system for removing combustion products. As in the first and second versions, very rarely the temperatures reach critical values.


Making asbestos-cement pipes safer when using

For a chimney, the easiest way is to make an asbestos sandwich tube. This is a closed system with a heater and an external casing.

Let's consider the advantages of using this design:

  1. The possible formation of condensate reduces the insulated upper part of the chimney, which means that the pipe will be operated much longer.
  2. Tightness of the construction is attached to the outer contour( most often, it is made of galvanized metal).Thanks to this, even if the gaskets are burned out, the products of combustion will not enter the house.
  3. The outer shell will not let the fragments of the pipe break apart in the event of a rupture.
  4. The asbestos tube in the casing does not emit any harmful substances into the room.
  5. Attractive appearance.


This is the most reliable design. Ultimately, a number of shortcomings can be found in any building material, the most important thing is to know about them and be able to calculate their ratio with the merits.


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