Classification of profile steel pipes

Features of production of profile metal.

When sorting rolled metal, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • Pipe diameter;
  • Rolling stock;
  • Profile shape.

As additional indicators, the steel grade is used( carbon, alloy and high alloyed) and the presence or absence of galvanizing. Classification of profile steel pipes

The most demanded forms of rolled products are: square, rectangular, oval, teardrop-shaped, polyhedral

According to technological manufacturing methods, they are divided into:

  • Seamless;
  • Cold-deformed;
  • Electrowelded( suture);
  • Hot-rolled;
  • Electrode cold-deformed

The service life of rolling tubes, due to its anti-corrosion properties, significantly increases the application of zinc coating( zinc coating).

As the profile pipes have such qualities as strength and flexibility, they are capable of providing rigidity, with the mass being approximately 30% less than the weight of the same all-metal segment.

In addition, there are a number of significant advantages:

  • Cost-effective, thanks to low weight at high loads and ease of installation;
  • Low metal consumption;
  • Fire safety( the possibility of laying an electric wire in the cavity of the pipe).
  • Convenient transportation and storage. Classification of profile steel pipes

Lowering all the subtleties of technological production, we can distinguish several basic stages of production:

  • Heating before rolling the workpiece;
  • Collapsing of hot-rolled billet with subsequent welding of the joint or by cold deformation;
  • Passing the pipe through special rolls, which give it the appropriate shape;
  • Mandatory control of the welding seam;
  • Heating to a certain temperature to relieve internal stress.

Standards used for the manufacture of profiles.

Rolling production in its work on the production of steel pipes is strictly guided by certain standards:

  • GOST 8639-82 - regulates the production of square steel pipes;
  • GOST 8645-68 - for rectangular products;
  • GOST 13663-86 - subordinates itself manufacturing in different ways of a profile steel.
  • GOST30245-94 - the standard for closed welded profile pipes. Classification of profile steel pipes

Application of profile steel pipes.

The field of application of profile products is quite extensive:

  • In engineering;
  • Furniture industry( legs of chairs, tables, etc.);
  • Construction( production of frameworks for greenhouses, stairs or interfloor overlappings);
  • Design( as decorative finishes).Classification of profile steel pipes

Manufacturing of greenhouses from steel pipes.

It is quite possible to build a greenhouse in the villa area with your own hands, it is enough to have some skills and draw a drawing correctly. The basis of this design is the frame, the strength of which will depend on the durability and stability of the greenhouse. That is why wireframes made of steel pipes are very popular with summer residents. This material is not subject to corrosion, and the edges of the arch are sufficiently stable under mechanical and atmospheric loads.

Where to buy a profile pipe.

There are several options to purchase pipes. This can be done by contacting the manufacturer directly. And it will cost much less than buying in building stores or at metal stores. If you decide to make a purchase on order, then you have the opportunity to get the goods you need the size and section you need. The number and parameters are specified when placing an order.

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