Diameter of the gas pipeline

How to build a gas pipeline. The beginning is half the case of

Before proceeding with the gas connection, you need to collect the signatures of neighbors who are in close proximity to your site. Then you need to apply to the city gas service to get permission to connect to the existing central gas pipeline.

The project of gasification of the house should be made taking into account the individual characteristics of the land where the gas pipe will pass. To compile an optimal scheme for constructing a gas pipeline, it is learned where the nearest pipeline is located, taking into account the value of the gas pressure in it. This is important, since gas pipeline categories are divided according to the gas pressure. Know the categories of the gas pipeline carried out for your site is necessary to indicate in the project what the security zone of the highway will be, so that inadvertently, during further construction or refining the site, pipes will not be damaged. Diameter of the gas pipeline

Classification of gas pipelines according to pressure

Gas pipeline categories are as follows:

  • of low pressure pipeline with working gas pressure up to and including 0,005 MPa;
  • medium-pressure mains with operating gas pressure from 0.005 MPa to 0.3 MPa;
  • high-pressure lines:
  • Category I gas pipelines, whose operating pressure is 0.6 MPa for gas-air mixtures, for liquefied petroleum gas( SDG) - up to 1.6 MPa;
  • gas pipelines of the II category with operating gas pressure up to 0.6 MPa. Diameter of the gas pipeline

For private households, gas pipelines of low pressure are quite suitable.

Low-pressure mains are used to deliver gas to residential buildings, public buildings, boiler houses and other facilities. Such communications can be used by private consumers. The security zone for the low-pressure gas pipeline is 2 m on either side of the pipe. Gas communications of medium and high pressure are needed to feed urban distribution networks and supply industrial enterprises, where the technological process requires a large gas pressure above 0.6 MPa. The security zone of the high pressure gas pipeline is equal to ten meters on both sides of the pipe, if it is the I category, and 7 meters, if the II category. As we see, with increasing pressure, the guard zone increases, as the risks from accidental damage to the pipe increase significantly.
Diameter of the gas pipeline

Norms of laying the gas pipeline

According to the approved standards, the laying of ground gas communications is located at 320mm from the surface of the earth and no less, the pipes should be located in places where there are no pedestrian paths or parking of vehicles. The laying of street highways begins after determining the nearest point to a group of residential gasified houses. At this point, a branch is made, which is then connected to the central gas pipeline.

In the construction of an underground highway, the nearest horizontal point is also determined from the building to the location of the planned line installation. In one trench it is allowed to lay two pipes, but with the condition that they will be located at different heights. Moreover, if the diameter of the pipe is not more than 300 mm, then the distance between them should be kept 0.4 m. The shut-off valves in the underground laying are located at a distance of 2 meters from the building. More detailed moments of the process can be prompted by professionals. Diameter of the gas pipeline

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