Supply and exhaust ventilation or how to make the air in the room cleaner?

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Supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment - all ingenious is simple

As you can understand from the name, the presented air ventilation scheme is a combination of two types: supply and exhaust type. The principle of operation of such a scheme is quite simple, like all genius in this world. Thus, the system takes away the exhaust air from the room in which it is installed and inflows fresh, fresh oxygen.

Despite the fact that the supply and exhaust ventilation systems are of high cost, as well as the complicated air circulation technique, the advantages that can be distinguished from its work cover the costs with interest. Among the advantages, it can be noted:

  • The high level of comfort that is created, thanks to the clean air in the room.
  • All components of the system are made of environmentally friendly materials. In addition, the work of this type of ventilation does not involve the release of dirty particles into the atmosphere.
  • Ventilation of this type is completely safe.

Supply and exhaust ventilation and its installation

Depending on the volume of the room to be ventilated, the intake and exhaust ventilation can be complicated or, conversely, simplified. The main difficulty is to correctly conduct a complicated circuit of channels from the air distributors. In addition, the structure of this type of system includes a radiator, a cooler, sound absorbers, a coal type filter, as well as various electronic sensors for regulating the temperature inside the building, adjusting carbon dioxide and others.

Warning! The installation of the supply and exhaust system is carried out exclusively by a team of highly qualified specialists.

To do this, you need to contact one of the firms to install systems of this type and directly deal with them. Some companies involved in their sale, offer immediately and installation services. Just do not forget to compare your desires with the apartment plan. This is done in order for the installation to be feasible.

Ventilation with recuperation and its use

It's no secret that the combination of supply and exhaust ventilation leads to large losses in efficiency. So, in order to increase it and save up to 10-15% of the efficiency, the supply and exhaust ventilation with recuperation was invented. It is based on a device called a recuperator, which monitors energy saving.

The principle of operation of such a system is very simple. The air that leaves the room gets into a special heat exchange cassette. There he heats that stream, which is already in its pure form into the room. Pay attention to the fact that the supply and exhaust air flows do not mix with each other, but only help themselves in heat-exchange processes.

Among the companies that offer this kind of energy saving systems, we can note Daikin , Mitsubishi electric , and BEHTC .

It should be noted that this kind of system can be used in different rooms, differing in volume and method of use. This can be the ventilation of the garage, rooms with a high content of harmful substances, premises of the production type. In addition, the supply and exhaust system in the apartment can also be installed without problems. Recently, the installation of such ventilation is popular in the offices of large companies.

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