The principle of distribution of the difference
Before considering this issue, it is immediately worth noting that the total amount of money for all house needs is taken and calculated by the number of people living. Such needs are cleaning the porches, watering the lawns near the house. The amount is not large and it can not escape from it.
Otherwise it happens like this:
- The difference in water consumption will be written off for tenants without an apartment meter, even if it's a tenant.
- In the event that all apartments are equipped with meters, the calculation takes place according to them, and not according to the general house( according to it only the consumption of "general" water is calculated).
- If there are legal entities that do not have a counter, all the difference will go to them.
That's why you need to put in the apartments separate meters, the data of which can be viewed at any time and checked with the accrued in the housing and communal services. How to calculate the coefficient of water overrun, even if in the presence of a separate meter, the amount is much higher than the one that should have been? In order not to be deceived by fraudsters( including employees of housing and communal services), you need to know a certain formula by which you can calculate the water overrun.
Calculations of the overrun rate
The formula is as follows:
- The first step is to calculate the total house volume of the consumed hot water - Vгвс = Vсч.гвс + Nгвс * n.
Vsch.hvs - the sum of all indications of hot water meters in the house.
Ngvs is the rate of consumption.
n - Number of residents paying according to the standard. If it's easier - then registered residents in those apartments where counters are not installed).
- Obtain the result obtained from the house-building device. Thus, it will be known how much cold water was used.
- The actual water volume can be calculated using the same formula as follows:
- Calculations as in step one.
- The result obtained in the second paragraph is divided by the result of the third paragraph.
- The data that is obtained during these calculations is multiplied by the individual readings of the cold water counter. In the absence of a counter, one can multiply by the figure of the norm of consumption.
- The result is multiplied by the current tariff.
Thus, you can avoid problems with overpayments and do not ask yourself how to calculate the water overrun rate. Precise control over all the information provided in the receipts will protect you from mistakes and overpayments, but try to get the truth out after payment and after a while it will be almost impossible.