Alpinarium with own hands

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The idea of ​​creating a rock garden sooner or later visits many owners of houses and suburban areas. The real owner dreams not only to get a fashionable decoration for his garden, but also to attach to it his rationalization and creative ideas. Create rock garden yourself is quite real and even very interesting.

Content of

  1. Materials for rock garden
  2. Rock garden arrangement for
  3. Flower for rock garden
  4. Photo of rock garden
  5. Video for creating rock garden for yourself

First of all, it's good to view various photos of this popular element of garden design in order to outline the most attractive look of the hill. Amateur photos of rock gardens with their own hands will give confidence in their abilities and share unusual findings. Further, guided by most of the tips on how to make an alpinarium yourself, it is worthwhile to draw a plan for the future creation. In theory, this sounds very convincing, but practice shows that every lovingly stacked stone itself prompts this or that development of the composition.

Materials for rock gardens

Selection of material for the slide is a responsible task. Since it should look as natural and harmonious as possible with the surrounding nature, it is necessary to select the stones as if they were all accidentally here. First, they must be of the same texture and repetitive color, in a word, of one breed. Secondly, the size of the stones should be different, some intervals between large boulders are well covered with small stones. Finding the right place for a particular heavyweight is the most labor-intensive part of the case.

Construction of a rock garden at the dacha

When the material is selected, the future image of the hill is planned, you can start preparing the place. The rock garden should be located in the most light-accessible and visited part of the garden. Having planned an approximate area of ​​the hill, you need to remove the entire turf and remove the remaining roots of the most sly plants.

Further to the center of the future composition you need to pour a solid pile of stones, broken bricks and other unpresentable construction waste that will serve as an excellent drainage for the slide.

Having survived a few good rains, it will take a little time, so it's worthwhile to take care of the fact that the hill will eventually become a hill, and correctly calculate the height.

After laying the drainage, the most important procedure for laying stones and pouring the soil begins. In the video, the "rock garden with your own hands" details and describes this difficult stage, on which the success of the whole hill depends.

Stones should be located reliably and steadily, trying not to overdo it with both symmetry and deliberate chaos. If you can not get large boulders, you can build a mini rock garden with your own hands.

Standing for a few days and a well spilled slide is ready for planting. Choose them you need with an orientation to all seasons, so that it does not turn out that in the off-season in the garden there was an inexpressive pile of stones.

Flowers for rock gardens

The very name of the rock garden suggests that preference should be given first of all to alpine plants. Amazing tiny tulips, multicolored muscari, tender cannon will break through to warmth in early spring. Winning primroses can also become a spring adornment, but banal, and they grow very quickly.

Gentle cyclamens on the Alpine hills look harmonious, but are quite capricious in care. Good for the rock garden plants lasting from last season, these are various amazing saxifrage. In summer, varicoloured flowers in the country house will be provided by several species of low perennials and flowers that live only one season.

Locksmith's canary will organically fit into the company, and the bright orange sparkles of eschólcia, sown once, will appear on their own more than one summer. Kings of the Alpine hills - ground cover, they delicately fill the most uncomfortable vacant spaces. With the achieved plant balance, flowering will last until autumn frosts. If the flower overflows in a certain place of the country site are not relevant, then you can build a rock garden, and not a rock garden yourself.

Photo of rock gardens

See below photos of rock gardens made by own hands

Video of creating rock garden yourself

See below video of creating rock garden yourself

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