Flowerbeds with own hands

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Every person who lives in a private house or has a dacha, tries to improve his plot. And one of the best options is to make flowerbeds on your own plot so that you can look at it from the outside. For them, you can choose any flowers, most importantly, they fit the climatic conditions of the area.

Contents of

  1. What materials are used for the flowerbed in the country?
  2. How to make flower beds?
  3. Varieties of flower beds
  4. Photos of flower beds
  5. Video creating flowerbeds with their own hands

What materials to use for the flowerbed in the country?

In order to make the flowerbeds in the suburban area, you can not invite a landscape designer - you can do it yourself. For this you can use a variety of materials. The easiest way is to fence a small area with a small decorative fence, pour in the lands and plant flowers. Get a beautiful flower garden, made by own hands, as in the photo.

One of the most frequently used materials for such a case is plastic, old tires, pieces of brick, stone. Even from the old kitchen utensils you can make beautiful flower beds in different parts of the plot.

Every woman has a sense of beauty, and she can understand for himself how to use construction waste that would go to the garbage.

How to make flower beds?

If you have a little imagination, you can understand how to make a flower bed with your own hands, so that it was pleasant for yourself, and passers-by could admire. But first you need to divide the entire site into certain zones, and see where and what should be.

Better yet - draw the entire plot on paper, and symmetrically arrange all the flower beds in each zone. To understand how this is done, you can see the video lesson making flowerbeds by yourself, so you do not have to redo everything anew.

You should use not only annual flowers, but also multi-years. Moreover, they should be planted in a flower bed in order to prevent the appearance of large bare zones next year.

To make the flower beds look more beautiful, they need to be made multi-tiered - in this case all flowers will be visible. In the first row plant one flowers, the second others, and so on. But this option is more suitable for a flower bed, made in the form of a hill, with the highest point in the middle.

It is possible to make flower beds for flowers also with a one-way incline. In this case, flowers can also be planted in rows. Original and will look like a flower bed, as in the photo. To do this, take a sheet of paper and draw a projection of the future flower garden. All it is divided into different zones, and each part is decorated with different pencils.

You need to connect fantasy here. And after that, flowers are planted in each zone in the flower bed. Such beds can be made both circular and angular.

Varieties of flower gardens

If you make garden beds with your own hands, it is better to use decorative plants together with flowers - with their help you can diversify the entire flower garden.

  1. Regular flowerbed: it needs to plant different types of flowers, the flowering period of which will coincide. It is possible to plant decorative plants in several rows along the edge of the circle, and any flowers inside the placer.
  2. Flowerbeds with alternating colors: they should be picked up so that some flowers bloom, and the next one starts to bloom.
  3. Flowerbeds with the same colors: this is the simplest kind, but in this case it is better to make a row of flower beds, where each would grow different flowers. Very beautiful will look like such flowerbeds on both sides of the garden path between the gate and the entrance to the house.

Photo of flower beds

Video of creating flowerbeds with your own hands

Homemade flower bed from a tire:

Flower log from your own hands:

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