Decorative garden mill for your own hands

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This article will help you bring a note of originality to the landscape design of your summer residence. Here you will learn how to make a decorative mill with your own hands. A step-by-step instruction will allow you to calculate your time and finances, and by the time you will have a windmill in your garden!


  1. Frame
  2. Base


  3. Base
  4. Top of the mill
  5. Internal mechanism
  6. Core
  7. Blades
  8. Finishing stage
  9. Decorative mill making video by hand


1. Let's start with the construction of the mill frame. To do this you will need 6 identical boards, which will need to be shaped like an elongated trapezoid, as shown in the figure. It is important that the side edges of the boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, at the junction point, a cone-shaped ditch is formed, which will subsequently be filled with glue.

2. Further, with the help of a construction tape( tape), it is necessary to connect all six elements together: the bonding must take place on the side where the boards are joined tightly to each other without forming a ditch. Please note that the adhesive tape must have a good layer of strong glue to hold on to the tree.

3. To make the decorative mill itself not only beautiful, but also withstood the influence of bad weather, turning over the jointed boards to the other side, fill all five seams with building glue using a gun, for example.

4. Then fix the first and last board of the structure first with glue inside, then with an adhesive tape outside. The hexagonal preform of the frame is ready.

5. After joining all the joints, the glue remains out, so when the glue dries, it will need to be removed with a construction knife. You also need to remove the adhesive tape.

6. Cut out the hexagonal cover for the top cover of the mill, suitable for the size that you want to install on the glue from the inside.

7. Next, along the inner edge, on the narrow side of the structure, draw a gun, leaving a thin line of glue to install the previously prepared cover on it. Attach it as shown on the photo.

In order not to get confused in the details, in addition to the instructions and step-by-step photos to the project, your attention is given a photo of a finished decorative mill made by own hands.

Bottom of

8. To make the bottom of the structure, you need to cut two more hexagons of the appropriate size.

9. Next, you need to cut in one of them( the bottom) a small square of 7x7 cm, to which will later be attached a bar, which serves as the basis of the entire structure. In the second( upper), just drill a hole through the center, through which a bar will be attached with a screw.

10. Now, to make the bottom part of the structure look like a box, it needs to make walls for it. To do this, cut out 6 equally shaped parts, the sides of which should be the same as the carcass - cut at an angle. Use photo materials for precise cutting.

11. Using glue, screws and drill, attach the walls to their bases( to two hexagonal blanks), and at the junction of each of the six elements of the wall, stick on the tape for a while;If necessary, use a vice.

12. In the lower workpiece with a 7x7 hole, enter the bar with the sides of the same size, and by resting it in the upper workpiece, secure using the screw.

13. Fix the scaffold with the frame to the bottom of each of the six sides. Now we have a design that resembles a lantern on the foot.

14. Use the grinder to give a smooth design.

Basis of

15. Now, the bottom. It consists of three levels. The lower part of it, consisting of 6 boards forming a hexagon( it must be done on the same principle as the walls of the previous construction) should have a capacity for the already installed bar of the previous construction. To do this, make a square box and attach it exactly in the middle of the board with screws. The board with the box should be attached to a pre-prepared hexagon. Follow the photo so that the garden mill itself was made correctly.

16. The middle part is also a hexagonal cut pyramid, the sides of which are connected as well as in the manufacture of the mill's framework - glue and scotch tape.

17. The upper part has a slightly more complicated construction, so doing it, follow the instructions in the pictures.

18. Connect all parts with building glue, placing a bucket of water on top of it, playing the role of a press.

Observation deck

19. Now the painstaking work begins. Prepare the base on which you temporarily attach the "observation deck" using a double-sided adhesive tape. You need to cut 30 blocks forming 5 hexagons. Each six bars should be shorter than the previous ones, since they must form a "web".Also you will need to make 6 bars of complex shape with holes that are glued to each of the 6 corner joints of the web. When the glue dries, gently remove the still unready design from the temporary base.

20. Now you need to cut another 6 bars of simple shape and fasten them with screws to the outside of the bars of complex shapes.

21. Using glue on each side, attach to these bars "railing", consisting of three boards.

22. Turn over the structure, install it on the top of the base and secure with screws, connecting the inside of the bars of complex shapes with the base.

Top of the mill

23. The tip of the mill is made of polystyrene and consists of a hemisphere, as well as a base plate and a ring made of wood.

24. Make 4 holes on the ring and the base plate for the screws.

Internal mechanism

25. Now you need to make a design for the blades of the mill.

As you can see, a decorative windmill for a dacha is not a simple project, but it's worth the effort and time.

So, you need to make two flat wooden squares with holes inside, as shown in the photo, and drill holes in the right places.

Next, following the photos, you need to cut them in half.

Now for the two parts you need to make a base of three pieces of boards( at the extreme you need to drill two holes) and fix them with glue, setting it in the vice.

And then put on a solid foundation.

Note, it must also have 4 holes for screws.

The last step in the manufacture of the base for the internal design of the mill is the installation of a support cut at an angle so that the structure resembles a hill.

26. Now you can set the top of the squares with the hole using screws. But fasten them not too tight.

27. Next, you will need a stainless steel threaded rod, as well as nuts and washers. Follow the instructions to properly mount the structure like a "gun".

28. In the hemisphere, you need to make a hole through which the rod could rotate freely. But to choose the right place for him, take the support panel, put a wooden ring to it and inward to the wall( to the ring), install the "gun".By placing a half-ball at the same height as the height of the support panel and the ring, from the side where the rod is higher, mark the point of contact between the rod and hemisphere and make a hole in it.

29. Now you need to glue a ring to the hem, for the strength of rewind the resulting "helmet" tape, for a while.

30. It's time to install the support panel( use the screw to fix it in the center to the top cover of the frame), the "gun" in the middle and the "helmet", after removing the adhesive tape from it, when the glue dries, so that the rod is released through the prepared forhis hole in the hemisphere.

31. Screw the support panel to the bottom ring - the holes are ready for this.


32. Now you need to make a core of the construction with blades. To do this, you need a square bar, on the one side of which you need to make 4 smooth holes, as shown in the photo.

Next with each of the four sides, in the middle, you need to drill another hole. On the other hand, make a hole( not through) 3 cm in diameter.

33. Round the corners of the workpiece.


34. Make the blades will not be difficult. Prepare yourself a mock-up from something and on it cut out each blade from plywood. So that they are not so thin, using two-sided adhesive tape, connect 2-3 plywood plates.

35. Each blade is attached to the bar with glue.

36. The finished blade is fixed to the core with screws, screws without caps, gaskets and clamps, which are placed inside the core.

37. Installing all four blades, the design is attached to the rod and is mounted on the hub.

The final stage of

38. If you want a garden mill made by yourself to be not just original, but beautiful, you can make windows and doors from plywood by gluing them to the lowest tier.

39. As the mill is made of wood, it needs to be treated with impregnating it, protecting it from atmospheric influences. The top of polystyrene should be treated with paint in two layers.

Now the decorative mill is ready and it can be installed in the garden as an element of landscape design.

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