Tapestry yourself

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Let's figure out how to make trellis in the country with their own hands. It is a wooden grate that can be used to protect a gazebo or terrace and as a support for flowers or grapes. Despite the fact that at first glance it is quite easy to make it, it is not uncommon to do it from the first time without a practical example. Therefore, consider the process of manufacturing a trellis fence in detail.


  1. Preparation of materials
  2. Making of trellis trellis
  3. Photo of trellis for climbing plants
  4. Video assembly of trellis

Preparation of materials

The trellis is made quite simply and is made with tools. You will need a thin rake, a hacksaw, a chair and screws. After manufacturing, the product can be covered with paint or varnish.

The most difficult process is that the rack is placed at the same distance from each other and at the same angle. As a result, you should get a panel with diamond-shaped holes, fixed by a wooden base around the perimeter.

Tapestry for climbing plants with their own hands is made of pine wood.

Making trellis trellis

The main task is to connect the two racks correctly crosswise. This is best done using a bar with a square shape. Moving along the rail and using the bar as a measuring material, you need to fix a few more racks along the entire length of the horizontal guide. And all of them must be fixed with offset, as shown in the figure. The correct displacement of the slats is done with an oblique guide, which is fixed to the main with an angle of 45 °.

The same principle is used to attach the other racks, after that the trellis is almost ready.

It remains to fill the corners. This is done on the same principle, only for corners are used slats of smaller length. After the end of the works, the trellis for the garden is fixed with a perimeter truss( possibly with a larger thickness) and installed on the intended place.

For the manufacture of wooden trellis, you will only take a few hours, another half a day for painting or varnishing. After that they can be used for their intended purpose.

In the example above, on the main rail you must fill with a displacement of 9 rails, then do the same to fill the entire plane. Trim the trellis can be with a perimeter rail, located at an angle of 90 ° to the additional rail. The corners on each side are filled with three wooden segments of shorter length. In the end, the slats on both sides of the edge of the trellis are packed around the perimeter - and the garden fence after painting or painting is completely ready.

Photo of trellis for climbing plants

Photo source: шпаллеры.рф

The types of trellises depend on the purposes, the chosen rails and the method of attachment. If a massive rake with a thickness of about 2-3 cm is used, then the proposed version of the trellis can completely become a fence for the terrace, gazebo and even a garden plot. A rack with a thickness of at least 1 cm is used to make trellises for grapes. Such adaptations can protect plants from the sun and wind, serve as a decorative element of the site. Their application is very wide, it allows you to organize the plot at the same time without violating the air exchange.

In conclusion, it is worth giving some advice on landscape design. Easy trellis in the garden is used for curly flowers and shrubs. Such a device can be installed on the wall of the house, next to the flower bed, this will enable plants to attach to the wall and beautifully decorate the wall. Such trellises are appropriate on the south side of the house, where they are sufficiently illuminated, and the flowers turn buds to the sun. How to decorate your homestead with trellis fences in detail look at a photo and video.

Video Assemblies Tapestry

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